Hubungan Nilai Mata Kuliah Statistik dengan Kemampuan Menganalisa Data Kuantitatif (Studi Kasus: Mahasiswa PAI di STAI Jam’iyah Mahmudiyah)
Statistical Value, Analyzing Ability, Quantitative DataAbstract
There is an understanding that occurs in students who consider statistics courses as difficult and uninteresting subjects. This understanding is common, especially for students who lack confidence in quantitative abilities or do not have a special interest in calculations. This has an impact on the grades and learning achievements achieved by students, as seen from the scores achieved by students taking this course. This method is used to measure phenomena and the relationship between variables in the form of numbers that can be calculated statistically and gain a stronger understanding of the relationship between certain variables or measure the effects of interventions or treatments more objectively. The population in this study is all students of STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Tanjung Pura, the Department of Islamic Education class of 2021/2022 who have passed the statistics course with a total of 232 students. Researchers used a sampling technique by purposive sampling. Purposive Sampling, the number of population in which there is a sample that meets the characteristics or criteria is 15 students. The data collection technique used is: documentation. The data analysis technique used is the Person Product Moment correlation analysis technique. The relationship between statistics course scores and the ability to analyze quantitative data of PAI STAI-JM Tanjung Pura students who have completed their thesis in 2022 namely: there is a strong relationship between statistics course scores and the ability to analyze quantitative data of PAI STAI-JM Tanjung Pura students . This means that if the student's ability to analyze quantitative data is good, then the value of the statistics course obtained by the student is also good. Likewise, if the ability to analyze quantitative data is to be better, then the statistics course scores obtained by students must be even better.
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