Implementasi Metode Muraja’ah Dalam Meningkatkan Hafalan Alquran Pada Siswa Kelas VII MTs Pondok Pesantren Modern Tajussalam Besilam


  • Ajeng Sakinah Aryanti, Enda Lovita Pandiangan STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah


The implementation of the Muraja'ah method has two implementation times, namely midday prayer with friends, then Asr prayer with Muraja'ah with the ustadzah. The application of the Muraja'ah method in improving students' memorization at the Tahfidzul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School at MTs Tajussalam Besilam has experienced a very good improvement. The results of applying the Muraja'ah method are considered effective and good, based on student data, it is clear that some students have memorized 28 juz. In its application, there are stages, namely, opening, then reading Surah Al-Fatihah and prayer to learn together, presenting the material briefly, memorizing Muraja'ah in turns, after that evaluation, and finally closing. There are two ways to apply the Muraja'ah Method, namely repeating silently, then the second concept is repeating verbally. Supporting factors are the students' own health, the students' calmness in learning, the students' strong willpower are important factors in the process of improving memorization. Apart from factors from within the students themselves (internal factors), there are also factors from outside the students themselves (external factors), including support from parents or family, support and motivation from Islamic boarding schools, as well as a conducive and supportive environment that will make it easier for students to memorize the process. Inhibiting factors include the lack of human resources from Muraja'ah method teachers, which is something that still needs to be addressed, apart from that, teachers/clerics must create good interactions with students to create comfort between ustadzah and students. Apart from these problems, problems and obstacles also arise from the environment, for example friends from one of the halaqah who are lazy, which will lead to feelings of laziness in memorizing.


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How to Cite

Ajeng Sakinah Aryanti, Enda Lovita Pandiangan. (2023). Implementasi Metode Muraja’ah Dalam Meningkatkan Hafalan Alquran Pada Siswa Kelas VII MTs Pondok Pesantren Modern Tajussalam Besilam . Journal Millia Islamia, 2(1), 212–220. Retrieved from


