Efektivitas Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Permainan (Digital Game Bassed Learning) Menggunakan Aplikasi Kahoot Terhadap Hasil Pembelajaran Fiqih Kelas VII di MTs. Babussalam Besilam


  • Halimatussakdiah, Ahmad Zaki, Syarifah STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah


The purpose of this research is to obtain information or data related to: 1) The use of game-based learning media (digital game based learning) using the Kahoot application in fiqh subjects in class VII-2 MTs. Babussalam Besilam. 2) Fiqh learning outcomes using game-based learning media (digital game-based learning) using the Kahoot application in class VII-2 MTs. Babussalam Besilam. 3) The effectiveness of using game-based learning media (digital game-based learning) using the Kahoot application in improving the learning outcomes of students in class VII-2 in fiqh subjects at MTs. The method used in this research is quantitative research with experimental research type. In this study using Pre-Experimental Design research design which aims to obtain data related to student learning outcomes with the use of Kahoot application. The results in this study stated that: 1) The use of game-based learning media using the kahoot application on the learning outcomes of class VII 2 students at MTs. Babussalam Besilam is good at 56%. This means that in the teaching-learning process Fiqh is enthusiastic and can accept the learning process by applying game-based learning media (digital game-based learning) using the kahoot application. 2) Fiqh learning outcomes showed that the lowest score of the pretest was 55 and the highest score was 80 with an average score of 67.85. Meanwhile, the lowest score of the posttest was 70 and the highest score was 100 with an average score of 83.46. The posttest data of class VII 2 got the highest score of 100 with a score range of 30. 3) The effectiveness of using the kahoot application on improving student learning outcomes of 1.2867 is significant, meaning that the coefficient can apply to the population where the sample taken is 49 people. In other words, the use of game-based learning media (digital game bassed learning) using the Kahoot application is effective for improving the learning outcomes of seventh grade students at MTs. Babussalam Besilam.


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How to Cite

Halimatussakdiah, Ahmad Zaki, Syarifah. (2023). Efektivitas Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Permainan (Digital Game Bassed Learning) Menggunakan Aplikasi Kahoot Terhadap Hasil Pembelajaran Fiqih Kelas VII di MTs. Babussalam Besilam. Journal Millia Islamia, 2(1), 252–265. Retrieved from https://jurnal.perima.or.id/index.php/JMI/article/view/265


