Pembentukan Karakter Religius Melalui Program Tahsin Qur'an Pada Siswa-Siswi MAS Tarbiyah Waladiyah Pulau Banyak Tanjung Pura


  • Selvianti Br Bangun STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah


The objectives of this study are to (1) Describe the formation of religious character of students at MAS Tarbiyah Waladiyah Pulau Banyak Tanjung Pura, (2) Describe the Tahsin Qur'an programme at MAS Tarbiyah Waladiyah Pulau Banyak Tanjung Pura, (3) understand the formation of religious character through Tahsin Qur'an programme on students at MAS Tarbiyah Waladiyah Pulau Banyak Tanjung Pura. To achieve the above objectives, researchers used descriptive qualitative research. The data collection techniques used are observation, interview and documentation. The results of this study are: 1) The religious character of students at MAS Tarbiyah Waladiyah has positive and negative characters. The general description of positive characters includes: an orderly and disciplined attitude to participating in learning activities, learning independently without bothering others, and showing akhlakul karimah attitudes. While the general description of the negative character is: some students skipped classes and ran away from class hours, some students were less enthusiastic and tended to be more lazy, some students were still difficult to manage. 2) The Tahsin programme is an extracurricular activity whose implementation is mandatory for all students. There are three activities in the implementation of tahsin learning at MAS Tarbiyah Waladiyah Pulau Banyak, namely (a) Introductory activities in the form of motivation and advice, (b) Core activities include tartil and deposit methods with classical, listening and independent strategies, (c) Closing in the form of evaluation and assessment, 3) The formation of religious character through the tahsin programme at MAS Tarbiyah Waladiyah Pulau Banyak is aimed at 9 forms of character, namely religious character, hard work, responsibility, discipline, honesty, social care, communicative, independent and democratic. The supporting factors for tahsin learning are: adequate facilities and infrastructure, availability of teachers and structured guidance, appropriate learning methods, support from families, teachers and the community. And the inhibiting factors are: the number of students who have not established the basis of learning the Qur'an and do not know the recitation of the Qur'an fluently. 


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