Integrasi Kurikulum Pesantren dan Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pada Pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak di MTs Tajussalam Besilam
This study aims to analyse: (1) the integration of pesantren and madrasah curriculum on the learning of moral creed at MTs Tajussalam Besilam, (2) the advantages and disadvantages of the integration of pesantren and madrasah curriculum on the learning of moral creed at MTs Tajussalam Besilam. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research, which is an attempt to describe / present a condition related to the subject or object of research on the problems that occur in the field investigated based on existing facts. This research method is observation, interview and documentation. The results of this study are: 1) Integration of Islamic Boarding School and Madrasah Curriculum on Akidah Akhlak Learning at MTs Tajussalam Besilam by: a) planning to combine and include some religious subjects that are not in the government curriculum; b) implementation of curriculum integration is by adding additional lesson hours for religious subjects; c) evaluation of curriculum integration is by monitoring the development of all activities resulting from curriculum integration to remain in accordance with standard learning guidelines; 2) The advantages and disadvantages of the integration of Islamic boarding school and madrasah curriculum on Akidah Akhlak learning at MTs Tajussalam Besilam are: the advantages of the integration of Islamic boarding school and madrasah curriculum: a) motivate students to study harder; b) motivate teachers to develop learning materials and develop teacher creativity. The disadvantages of integrating the pesantren and madrasah curriculum are a) the burden of too many lesson hours; b) facilities and infrastructure must be available.
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