Penerapan Media Pembelajaran Aplikasi Quizizz Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar PAI Siswa Kelas VII-4 SMP Swasta Bangun Mulia Pangkalan Brandan


  • Lusi Febrianti Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Tanjung Pura


Aplikasi Quizizz, Hasil belajar siswa


Quizizz learning media is a variable used to improve the learning outcomes of Islamic religious education for students in class VII-4 of the Bangun Mulia Pangkalan Brandan Private Junior High School, totaling 32 people. This research was carried out in two cycles, where each cycle consisted of four stages, namely planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The analysis technique uses qualitative descriptive. Before carrying out action research, starting with the pre-cycle stage, at this stage the researcher made observations about the results of the evaluation of Islamic religious education learning. From the analysis of the data that the researchers obtained, it was known from the initial conditions that in class VII-4 there was a problem, namely that student learning outcomes in learning Islamic religious education were low. In the pre-cycle implementation, the average student score was 40 with a learning completeness score (22%). Then cycle I was carried out, from the classroom action research data that the researchers had obtained, there was an increase in the average score in cycle I, to 60 with a learning completeness score (59%), but there were still many students who had not reached the minimum completeness criteria. Continuing to the second cycle of action, in this action there was another increase, namely to 80 with completeness of learning outcomes (87%). This shows that the quizizz media that researchers use is able to improve the learning outcomes of Islamic religious education for students in grades VII-4, although not yet 100


Aniyatussaidah Herdi, 2022, “Mengenal Quizizz: Alat Asesmen Tes Berbasis Gamifikasi”, Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam, Vol. 07, No. 01

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