Peran Stakeholder Dalam Perbaikan Mutu Pendidikan Islam di MTs Jam’iyah Mahmudiyah Tanjung Pura


  • Syarafina. S STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Tanjung Pura Langkat
  • M Yusuf Abdullah STAI Jam’iyah Mahmudiyah Tanjung Pura Langkat


Quality of Education, Stakeholders, Principal


This study aims to analyse: (1) The Quality of Islamic Education at MTs Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Tanjung Pura, (2) The Role of Stakeholders in Improving the Quality of Islamic Education at MTs Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Tanjung Pura, (3) Stakeholder Constraints in Improving the Quality of Islamic Education at MTs Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Tanjung Pura. This type of research is qualitative research, with field research (Field Research). This research was conducted by going directly to the research location that has been determined to obtain data in this study, namely data related to the Role of Stakeholders in Improving the Quality of Islamic Education at MTs Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Tanjung Pura. The results of this study include: (1) The form of Stakeholder activities in improving the quality of Islamic education at MTs Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Tanjung Pura by completing facilities and infrastructure to support teaching and learning activities at school, making curriculum and running the learning process according to the existing curriculum, supervising each teacher in their respective subject areas at least it is done for three months once a year, (2) The role of Stakeholders in education has a different role, starting from determining educational policies, implementing policies and users of graduates. As seen in MTs Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Tanjung Pura, the role of each stakeholder is different. Especially the role of a school principal/madrasah, the principal must be able to maintain friendship and establish a good working relationship with the community. The principal must also be able to carry out his role as an educational administrator, educational supervisor, office management, staff mobiliser and office ruler, (3) Stakeholder constraints in improving the quality of Islamic education at MTs Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Tanjung Pura are the lack of complete facilities and infrastructure available for the teaching and learning process such as; teaching aids especially for Natural Science Subjects (IPA), another obstacle is the existence of factors that affect the improvement of the quality of Islamic education at MTs Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah namely family factors and environmental factors


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How to Cite

Syarafina. S, & M Yusuf Abdullah. (2023). Peran Stakeholder Dalam Perbaikan Mutu Pendidikan Islam di MTs Jam’iyah Mahmudiyah Tanjung Pura. Journal Millia Islamia, 1(2), 175–183. Retrieved from


