Peran Guru Penggerak Dalam Menerapkan Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar di SMP Negeri 3 Babalan
Driving Teacher, independent learning curriculum.Abstract
Based on the results of observations at the Langkat Regency Education Office, information was obtained that the teacher mobilization program had been implemented within the Langkat Regency Education and Culture office. However, this teacher motivator program is still new so it is stagnant at the training, mentoring and familiarization program stage to provide access to teachers to train their abilities as motivators of learning and has not yet run optimally. The role of driving teachers in implementing the independent learning curriculum has not been maximized at SMP Negeri 3 Babalan. This is related to the implementation of the independent learning curriculum which is still in the process of technical guidance to teachers so that teachers included in the driving teacher program have to work extra in studying the material. Then the author raised this problem to become a scientific work in the form of a thesis using qualitative research techniques to make it easier for the author to describe the role of driving teachers in implementing the independent learning curriculum at SMP Negeri 3 Babalan. Furthermore, the researcher carried out observations, interviews and documentation, so it was concluded that the implementation of the role of driving teachers in implementing the independent learning curriculum carried out by PAI driving teachers at SMP 3 Negeri Babalan was able to implement student-centered learning such as differentiated learning, learning outside the classroom, and learning project based. Apart from that, the implementation of free learning is also found in the learning process, namely (a) planning, teachers prepare plans before teaching (b) Implementation, teachers teach and are able to implement free learning in schools, (c) evaluation, teachers use holistic assessment.
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