Analisis Kompetensi Kepribadian Guru PAI Dalam Memberikan Keteladanan Moral Pada Siswa di SMP Negeri 1 Gebang


  • Dinda Zulaiha Rao STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Tanjung Pura Langkat
  • Syahrul Affan STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Tanjung Pura Langkat


Personality Competence, PAI Teacher, Moral Exemplar.


example to their students to create Karimah morals. This research aims to describe the personality competencies of PAI teachers, the way PAI teachers provide moral examples, as well as the obstacles to providing moral examples and their solutions. This research is descriptive qualitative research. Respondents in this study were school principals, PAI teachers and students at SMP Negeri 1 Gebang. Data collection techniques by means of observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques are data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the research explain the personality competency of PAI teachers in providing moral examples to students at SMP Negeri 1 Gebang, namely that the teacher understands and has teacher personality competency by showing a person who has noble character, acts in accordance with religious norms, has faith and piety, is honest, sincere, likes to help. , be polite and polite in speaking, look good, and have behavior that is worthy of being emulated by students. The PAI teacher's way of providing a moral example to students at SMP Negeri 1 Gebang is carried out in various ways as follows, namely coaching through habituation, character formation through attention, character formation through providing motivation, character formation through giving punishment. The obstacles faced by Islamic Religious Education teachers in providing moral examples for students at SMP Negeri 1 Gebang are family factors, environmental factors in students' playing and social interactions, lack of cooperation between religious teachers and students' parents, students' characters that are difficult to form, and advances in technology. The solution used to deal with these obstacles is by providing supervision, advice and advice, giving punishment, collaborating with teachers and parents, and giving awards in the form of praise.


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