Implementasi Program Unggulan Keagamaan Dalam Mengembangkan Spiritual Quotient di MAN 2 Langkat Tahun Pembelajaran 2022-2023


  • Khairunnisa STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat


Featured Program, Religion, Spiritual Quotient.


Based on the results of observations made by the author at MAN 2 Langkat, the following information was obtained: The implementation of superior programs in the field of Islamic religion has not run optimally, namely that religious learning material is still integrated with other general subject matter, thus causing the concentration of students in this superior religious program to be divided so that the superior program This religion does not have any distinguishing power from other superior programs at MAN 2 Langkat. The development orientation of this superior religious program is still as a pilot program so that the implementation of its management is still new and does not yet have special facilities related to religious learning such as the availability of special models and methods and limited media. Based on the background of the problem above, the researcher feels it is necessary to conduct research with the main topic of discussion, namely superior religious programs and developing students' Spiritual Quotient. This research uses a descriptive approach, namely the researcher tries to describe the data obtained through the observation and interview process so that all this information can be easily recorded and understood by readers. After collecting the data above, the researcher can conclude that the implementation of superior religious programs in developing students' Spiritual Quotient at MAN 2 Langkat has run optimally through activities to familiarize students with religious understanding which are carried out within the scope of the madrasah. So that the process of developing Spiritual Quotient intelligence is not only carried out in learning and teaching activities in the classroom but is carried out in the form of implementing superior programs in the extracurricular and intracurricular fields that are based on religious knowledge.


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