Kurikulum Dan Metode Pendidikan Islam Klasik


  • Rukhaiah Lubis Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara


The classical Islamic education curriculum is the subjects taught in the Islamic education process from 650-1250 AD Islamic education historically began at the time of the Prophet Muhammad. in the form of guiding and educating his friends with the teachings of Islam which is an explanation of the verses of the Koran that he received through the angels Gabriel at that time, Islamic education about reading and writing activities of the Koran at his death, education continued by the Khulafa Al-Rasyidun with a significant development, with the addition of Islamic educational materials in accordance with the needs and development of the Muslim community at that time. During the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphs, Islamic education developed rapidly in terms of materials, methods, and educational facilities as the impact of the growing Muslim community into a cosmopolitan community marked by the rapid advancement of various branches of knowledge.


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