Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Sinektik Menurut William Gordon Terhadap Konsentrasi Belajar Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam Mts Swasta Darul Arafah


  • Elfida Desriana STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat


Synectic Learning Model, William Gordon, Study Concentration


This study aims to determine the effect of the synectic learning model on the concentration of Islamic Cultural History learning in seventh grade students of MTs Swasta Darul Arafah Pangkalan Berandan. The implementation of the synectic learning model and the concentration of students' Islamic Cultural History learning were obtained through a questionnaire. Questionnaire scores were analyzed through a frequency table. The influence of the synectic learning model on the concentration of Islamic Cultural History learning in grade VII students of Private MTs Darul Arafah Pangkalan Berandan was analyzed using the product moment correlation formula. The results of this study indicate that (1) the implementation of synectic learning in class VII MTs Darul Arafah Pangkalan Berandan is in the very good category. Analysis of the questionnaire data showed a percentage of 50.51%; (2) the concentration of learning Islamic Cultural History for the seventh grade students of MTs Darul Arafah Pangkalan Berandan is generally very good. Analysis of the questionnaire data showed a percentage of 69.70%; and, (3) there is a positive and significant effect between the synectic learning model and the concentration of learning Islamic Cultural History for the seventh grade students of MTs Darul Arafah Pangkalan Berandan by 0.420 (42.00%) with a moderate or sufficient category.


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