Implementasi Pembelajaran Multiliterasi Siswa Kelas IX MTSN 1 Langkat Pada Mata Pelajaran Akidah Akhlak


  • Priska Aswina STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat


management, public, trust


This research aims to describe and determine the implementation of multiliteracy learning for class IX MTsN 1 Langkat students, evaluation and obstacles to multiliteracy learning in the Aqidah Morals subject for class IX MTsN 1 Langkat. This research is descriptive qualitative research taking the background at MTsN 1 Langkat, specifically in class IX. Data collection was carried out by conducting direct observations, namely: interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique used is data reduction, data presentation and then drawing conclusions. The results of the research explain that the implementation of multiliteracy learning at MTsN 1 Langkat includes: 1) Planning for preparing learning tools and developing a multiliteracy model 2) Implementation of multiliteracy learning models including: Allocation of 2 hours of learning time by inserting literacy, varied learning techniques. Evaluation of the multiliteracy model in learning Aqidah Akhlak includes: cognitive or knowledge aspects, affective or attitudinal aspects, and psychomotor. In the knowledge aspect, the Aqidah Akhlak teacher uses assessment in the form of written, oral tests, and assignments for the affective aspect use the form of direct observation assessment, namely the teacher observes the students' attitudes directly, in the psychomotor aspect the Aqidah Akhlak teacher uses the form of performance assessment, namely the student is asked to display their abilities directly during the learning process and make assignments given. The obstacles to the multiliteracy learning model, namely: assignment problems, assessment time during oral tests, and students' ability to grasp understanding, some still experience difficulties. There is a lack of infrastructure that supports multiliteracy learning, such as the lack of reference books outside of the required textbooks, and the limited number of media used in the learning process, sometimes they are already used by other subjects or used by homeroom teachers. There are still some students who are less active in multiliteracy learning, especially in terms of speaking and expressing their opinions.





