Waktu Efektif Dalam Belajar Menurut Syaikh Az-Zarnuji dan Penerapannya di PPM Al-Fath Langkat Tahun Pembelajaran 2023-2024


  • RisnaWalidah Abdullah Sani STAI Jam’iyahMahmudiyahLangkat, Indonesia
  • Abdullah Sani STAI Jam’iyahMahmudiyahLangkat, Indonesia


Time, Learn, Effective


This study aims to find out how the Application of Effective Time in Learning According to ShaykhAz-ZarnujianditsApplicationinPPMAl-FathLangkatLearningYear2023-2024and how the Level of Effectiveness in learning at PPM Al FathLangkat. This research is a field research (field reserch), with a qualitative approach, the subjects used in this study are Santriwan / wati class IX PPM Al FathLangkat and also ustdz and ustdzahrumahTahfidzMTsSPPMAlFathLangkatbecameinformantsintheresearch.Thedatacollectiontechniques used in this study were observation, interviews and documentation. From the results of the study, it is known that the implementation of the Tahfidz Program at PPMAlFathLangkatstartsonMondaytoFridayafterschoolstartsat14.00to15.00orbefore Asr.ThisQur'anTahfidzactivityisthatstudentsdeposittheirmemorizationtoUtdzahTahfidz, this activity makes very many mistakes because students cannot manage their time in memorization.MuchofthememorizationdonebystudentsisineffectiveandlacksMuraaja'ah. From this came the thought of Shaykh Az-Zarnuji who said that. The application of effective timeinlearningcarriedoutatPPMAlFathLangkatisbasedonlesstimeinstudying,andthere are still many students who rarely do Muraja'ah. This is a problem why the Effective Time at PPM Al FathLangkat has become very ineffective, with the presence of the Thought of Az- Zarnujiwhichexplainsthattheeffectivetimeinlearningisduringsuhoortime(beforeorafter dawn), and between maghrib and isha has been implemented at PPM Al FathLangkat with variousactivitiesandthelatestschedules.Sothatstudentsbetterusetheirmemorizationwhen depositing to UtsdzahTahfdiz. The level of effectiveness is based on the application carried out by the author at the Modren Al FathLangkatIslamic Boarding School by applying Effective Time in Learning According to Shaykh Az-Zarnuji conducted at PPM Al FathLangkat.VeryEffectivefeltbyPembinaTahfidzwiththeresultsoftheauthor'sinterviewwith the Coach. This effectiveness assessment is carried out for a week so that itcan be concluded tobeveryeffectivewiththetimeofsuhoor(beforeorafterdawn),aswellasbetweenmaghrib and isha according to Shaikjh Az-Zarnuji.





