Implementasi Metode Mau’izah Hasanah Dalam Pembentukan Karakter Siswa MTs Al-Ikhlas Pangkalan Susu


  • Khairunnisa STAI Jam’iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat, Indonesia


Implementation, Mau'izah Hasanah, Character


The implementation of the mau'izah hasanah method for MTs Al-Ikhlas Pangkalan Susu students has been implemented well where the teacher always gives advice by providing parables that are able to touch the students' souls so that they are able to carry out every advice given by the teacher. Students carry out advice and apply it in everyday life well. This advice includes taking care of yourself, maintaining the good name of the school, maintaining neatness, maintaining your attitude and speaking. Students are able to imitate the good behavior that teachers demonstrate every day, such as being disciplined in coming to school, saying hello and kissing the teacher's hand when they meet the teacher. Character formation is implemented at MTs Al-Ikhlas Pangkalan Susu through self-development activities with routine activities, namely activities carried out by students continuously and consistently. Character formation begins with checking nail cleanliness, class picketing, congregational prayers, lining up when entering class, praying before lessons start and end, and saying hello when meeting teachers, teaching staff and friends. Other activities that students carry out spontaneously at that very moment, for example, collecting donations when a friend is affected by a disaster or donating to the community when a disaster occurs. Teachers cultivate a culture of exemplary behavior, namely the behavior, attitudes of teachers, education staff and students in providing examples through good actions that are expected. Discipline values ​​(teacher's presence earlier than students), cleanliness, tidiness, affection, politeness, attention, honesty and hard work and self-confidence. MTs Al-Ikhlas Pangkalan Susu in implementing the mau'izah hasanah method in character formation has developed the mau'izah method well by providing advice that can be applied directly by students and providing good examples to apply in their lives such as discipline, loving each other, attitudes towards parents and teachers as well as implementing character-forming values ​​through operational programs of character values ​​education units that are instilled in the form of religious values, mutual cooperation, cleanliness, discipline, togetherness, caring for the environment, and hard work. The main emphasis is to instill Islamic religious values ​​in students so that they will become a generation with skills and Muslim character.






