Efektivitas Model Self Directed Learning Terhadap Metakognitif Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Fiqih Kelas VIII di MTs Swasta Ubudiyah Pangkalan Brandan
The power of two method, learning outcomesAbstract
This research is motivated by the learning that is carried out has not used an interesting learning model and adjusted to the student's ability so that the student's metacognition has not met the criteria. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the self-directed learning model on students' metacognition in fiqh subjects in grade VIII at Ubudiyah Private MTs Pangkalan Brandan. The sample used in this study was 23 students in grade VIII of Ubudiyah Private MTs Pangkalan Brandan. The number of samples used in this study is less than 30 students, so this study uses a sample technique, namely nonprobability sampling. This type of research is quantitative research, conducted with an experimental approach. This study uses a pre-experimental design method of one group pretest-posttest. From the results of the data analysis, the pretest results were obtained with an average score of 71.8 with the lowest score of 60 and the highest score of 80. Meanwhile, the average score of the posstest results obtained was 80 with the lowest score of 68 and the highest score of 88. To see the quality of the data, normality, homogeneity and hypothesis tests were carried out. In hypothesis testing, an independent sample t-test is used. Pretest and posttest with a tcount of 4,958 while a ttable of 1,717. Because the tcount > ttable is 4,958 > 1,703, Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means that the use of the self-directed learning model is effective on students' metacognition in Fiqh class VIII subjects at Ubudiyah Private MTs Pangkalan Brandan.