Penggunaan Strategi Story Board dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Akidah Akhlak Pada Siswa Kelas VIII MTsN 1 Langkat
Story Board strategy, Akidah Akhlak, learning outcomes, Classroom Action ResearchAbstract
This study aims to improve student learning outcomes in Akidah Akhlak subjects through the application of the Story Board strategy in class VIII MTsN 1 Langkat. The study used Classroom Action Research (PTK) method with qualitative and quantitative approaches, involving 34 students as research subjects. Data collection techniques include tests, observations, interviews, and documentation, with qualitative and quantitative data analysis. There are three research findings. 1) The problem obtained by researchers before researchers used the Story Board strategy on the subject matter of Praiseworthy Morals to oneself was still very low, seen from 34 students, 33 of whom were present there were only 12 students who reached learning completeness and 21 other students had not reached learning completeness. 2) The method used by researchers to obtain the results of this study is to conduct classroom action research by applying the Story Board strategy to the praiseworthy morals to oneself in class VIII. 3) The results of the research obtained before using the Story Board strategy, researchers found that the learning completeness of students was only 36% or there were only 12 students who had reached learning completeness out of 33 students present. After the researcher applies the Story Board strategy to the praiseworthy morals to oneself, it can improve the learning outcomes of students in each post-test. It can be seen that in cycle I, the learning completeness of students has increased to 42% or 14 students who are able to achieve learning completeness. As for cycle II, students experienced an increase in learning completeness to 79% or equal to 26 students who had reached learning completeness from 33 participants present. Based on the criteria for classical learning completeness, this learning has reached the level of learning completeness or has reached the target of learning completeness and it can be concluded that this research has been successful.