Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) Terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Fikih Kelas VIII MTs Swasta Darul Arafah Pangkalan Brandan


  • Rahmad STAI Jam’iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat, Indonesia
  • Muhizar Muchtar STAI Jam’iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Fuadi STAI Jam’iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat, Indonesia


Influence, Learning Model Problem Based Learning(PBL),, Problem Solving Skills


This study aims to answer the questions in the following problem formulation: 1) How is the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model in the subject of Islamic jurisprudence in class VIII of MTs Swasta Darul Arafah? 2) How is the problem-solving ability of students in class VIII of MTs Swasta Darul Arafah? 3) How does the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model influence the problem-solving ability in the subject of Islamic jurisprudence in class VIII of MTs Swasta Darul Arafah?This study uses a quantitative research method with a sample of 52 students. Data collection techniques in this study are observation, tests, and documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis uses a simple linear regression test..The results of this study are that the percentage of the use of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) Learning Model has an effect on Students' Problem Solving Ability by 68.3%. And from the data analysis, the results obtained are that t count = 63.58 and t table = 1.675, so t count> t table, namely 63.58> 1.675 so that H is obtained.0rejected and Hₐ accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that there is an influence of the use of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) Learning Model on Students' Problem Solving Ability in the Fiqh Subject of Class VIII MTs Darul Arafah Pangkalan Brandan.





