Kajian dan Riset Mahasiswa2024-10-25T19:40:54+07:00Muamar Al QadriMuamar_Alqadri@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>Jurnal Kajian dan Riset Mahasiswa adalah jurnal yang ditujukan untuk publikasi artikel ilmiah hasil kajian dan riset yang dilakukan mahasiswa dan akademisi lainnya. Jurnal ini diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Peduli riset dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat. Jurnal Kajian dan Riset Mahasiswa menerbitkan 4 kali dalam setahun pada bulan April, Juli, Oktober, dan Januari. Jurnal Kajian dan Riset Mahasiswa menerima hasil kajian dan riset yang memenuhi kaidah ilmiah dan teknis penulisan ilmiah. Adapun ruang lingkup Jurnal Kajian dan Riset Mahasiswa dengan pendekatan Multidisipliner yang berbasis ke Islaman, yang meliputi: Pendidikan Agama Islam, Ekonomi Islam, Keuangan Syariah, Hukum Keluarga, Hukum Islam, Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Seni dan Budaya Sosial, Manajemen , Akuntansi, dan Bimbingan Konseling.</p> Pembelajaran Individual Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas VII Pada Mata Pelajaran PAI di SMP IT Swasta Brandan Barat Tahun Ajaran 2023-20242024-07-24T12:24:15+07:00Intan Syahputri<p>Strategi pembelajaran individual merupakan strategi pembelajaran yang diterapkan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas VII pada mata pelajaran PAI di SMP IT Swasta Brandan Barat. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP IT Swasta Brandan Barat yang berjumlah 28 orang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua siklus, dimana setiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan (<em>planning</em>) tindakan (<em>acting</em>) pengamatan (<em>observing</em>) dan refleksi (<em>reflecting</em>). Dari analisis data yang penulis dapatkan, diketahui kondisi awal bahwa di kelas VII SMP IT Swasta Brandan Barat terjadi permasalahan yaitu hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran PAI materi shalat berjamaah yang rendah dan jauh dari KKM yang ditetapkan oleh pihak Madrasah. Pada pelaksanaan pra siklus diperoleh nilai rata-rata siswa 62,86 dengan jumlah ketuntasan 32,14%. Kemudian dilaksanakan siklus I, dari data penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan terdapat peningkatan nilai rata-rata pada siklus I menjadi 71,07 dengan jumlah ketuntasan 57,14%. Dilanjutkan ke tindakan siklus II, pada tindakan ini terjadi peningkatan lagi yaitu nilai rata-rata siswa 84,29 dengan jumlah ketuntasan 92,86%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ptrategi pembelajaran individual yang peneliti gunakan mampu meningkatkan pemahaman pelajaran PAI materi shalat berjamaah siswa kelas VII SMP IT Swasta Brandan Barat. Peserta didik yang tuntas sebanyak 92,86% dan telah melewati batas minimum 85%.</p>2024-10-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian dan Riset Mahasiswa Mutu Sumber Daya Manusia Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Berbasis Sustainable Development Goals di MTs Tarbiyah Islamiyah Hinai Kiri2024-07-24T12:45:14+07:00Siti Hawa sitisitihawa9062@gmail.com1<p>Mutu sumber daya manusia pada lembaga pendidikan MTs Tarbiyah Islamiyah Hinai Kiri telah menunjukkan kualitas yang baik dimana guru telah mendapatkan bekal diklat fungsional sebagai tenaga pendidik yang diselenggarakan pemerintah. Selanjutnya guru telah membentuk musyawarah guru mata pelajaran sehingga mampu berbagi informasi dalam dunia pendidikan sehingga mutu guru meningkat. Selain itu, guru telah diberikan penguatan terkait penerapan kurikulum yang ada sehingga mampu menyusun program pembelajaran yang berkelanjutan dalam meningkatkan kemampuan dan kecerdasan siswa. Penerapan program berbasis <em>Sustainable Development Goals</em> di MTs Tarbiyah Islamiyah Hinai Kiri dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi yang ada sehingga madrasah mampu berbasis digital. Selain itu, Madrasah telah memberikan fasilitas yang baik untuk mendukung penerapan pembelajaran multiple intelegensi dengan memberikan sarana internet, media belajar digital dan membentuk program ektrakurikuler demi mendukung pengembangan kecerdasan anak. Peningkatan mutu sumber daya manusia Lembaga Pendidikan Islam berbasis <em>Sustainable Development Goals</em> di MTs Tarbiyah Islamiyah Hinai Kiri menunjukkan peningkatan yang baik dimana mutu pendidik meningkat dan adanya dukungan teknologi dan sarana prasarana yang baik. Evaluasi yang dilakukan dalam penerapan pembelajaran berbasis <em>Sustainable Development Goals</em> (tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan) ini dilakukan dengan cara kepala madrasah kita selalu memegang prinsip supervisi dengan memberikan perencanaan terkait bagaimana guru merencanakan suatu pembelajaran yang menarik yang <em>kooperatif</em> yang efektif terhadap anak. Kepala madrasah itu melakukan supervisor atau supervisi pada masing-masing kelas untuk menilai atau mengamati guru melaksanakan pembelajaran yang sudah direncanakannya. Guru dalam melakukan evaluasi pada pembelajaran <em>multiple intelegensi</em> dengan cara membuat daftar perkembangan kemampuan siswa dan kecerdasan.</p>2024-07-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian dan Riset Mahasiswa Ilmu Agama dan Sains2024-07-24T12:55:18+07:00Surini Br Karo-Karo<p>Latar belakang dilakukan penelitian ini bahwa adanya dualisme atau dikotomi keilmuan antara ilmu-ilmu umum di satu sisi dengan ilmu-ilmu agama di sisi lain. Dikotomi ilmu yang salah satunya terlihat dalam dikotomi institusi pendidikan antara pendidikan umum dan pendidikan agama telah berlangsung semenjak bangsa ini mengenal sistem pendidikan modern, maka penulis mencoba memaparkan konsep atau pemikiran tentang integrasi ilmu ini yang digagas oleh ilmuwan muslim zaman dulu hingga sekarang yaitu Imam Al Ghazali. Adapun tujuan dilaksanakan penelitian ini yaitu : Untuk mengetahui pemikiran imam Al-Ghazali tentang integrasi ilmu agama dan sains. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian pustaka dokumen dokumen terhadap pengumpulan data menggunakan dukumentasi dengan studi karya. Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa Al-Ghazali menjelaskan bahwa objek ilmu yang paling tinggi dan paling mulia adalah Allah. Ilmu seperti ini masuk kategori ilmu tauhid dan ilmu ini tidak menolak dan menafikan ilmu- ilmu lainnya, dan bahkan Al-Ghazali meyakini bahwa ilmu-ilmu lain lahir dari ilmu tauhid.</p>2024-07-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian dan Riset Mahasiswa Pembelajaran Berbasis Sumber (Resource Based Learning) Dalam Meningkatkan Penguasaan Materi Bersuci Siswa Kelas VII MTSN 1 Langkat2024-08-03T09:34:03+07:00Ahmad Ridhazaifaturridha@gmail.comLailan Kumalasarilailan12@gmail.comRizky<p>Resource Based Learning learning method is a learning process that directly confronts students with one or a number of learning resources individually or in groups with all activities related to learning resources. The author used this learning method to improve mastery of purification material for class VII MTsN 1 Langkat students. The subjects of this research were 35 class VII students at MTsN 1 Langkat. This research was carried out in two cycles, where each cycle consisted of planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The results of the research explain that learning outcomes for describing material have increased, in the first cycle of the first meeting, students' learning outcomes for describing material obtained an average score of 62.71 and at the second meeting, students' learning outcomes for analyzing material obtained an average of 67. In the cycle II the average learning outcomes increased, the first meeting of students' learning outcomes for analyzing material obtained an average score of 71.34 and the second meeting of students' learning outcomes for analyzing material obtained an average of 75.00. From the pretest before the action, the average value was 74.48 and the posttest results after the action obtained an average value of 87.17. If measured by N-gain, the average student ability is 0.49 in the medium category. This shows that Resource Based Learning according to MTsN 1 Langkat students is considered good, namely between 56-75% classification. Thus, the application of Resource Based Learning can improve students' ability to describe material</p>2024-07-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian dan Riset Mahasiswa Model Pembelajaran Jigsaw Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika pada Siswa Kelas V SDN 057755 Pulau Banyak2024-08-03T09:38:40+07:00Emha Fidiyan Akhadifidiyan@gmail.comDiah Hofizhul<p>This research aims to improve student learning outcomes in mathematics subjects in class V at SDN 057755 Pulau Banyak by using the jigsaw method due to the problem of low student learning outcomes caused by the monotonous learning process and the lack of use of appropriate learning methods. The method approach used in this research is Classroom Action Research (PTK) with 2 cycles, consisting of four stages: planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The research subjects consisted of 18 students. Research data was collected through learning results tests and teacher and student observations. The research results showed an increase in activity and the percentage of student learning outcomes in cycle 1, the number of students who completed was 9 with the percentage of student learning outcomes reaching 50% and increased significantly in cycle II to 19 students who completed with a percentage of 100%. After reflection and improvement. This shows that the use of the jigasaw method is effective in improving the learning outcomes of class V students at SDN SDN 057755 Pulau Banyak in the mathematics subject. Based on this research, it is concluded that using the jigsaw method in Mathematics learning can improve student learning outcomes and make learning more effective. It is hoped that the results of this research can contribute to the development of interesting and effective learning media, especially in mathematics subjects.This research aims to improve student learning outcomes in mathematics subjects in class V at SDN 057755 Pulau Banyak by using the jigsaw method due to the problem of low student learning outcomes caused by the monotonous learning process and the lack of use of appropriate learning methods. The method approach used in this research is Classroom Action Research (PTK) with 2 cycles, consisting of four stages: planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The research subjects consisted of 18 students. Research data was collected through learning results tests and teacher and student observations. The research results showed an increase in activity and the percentage of student learning outcomes in cycle 1, the number of students who completed was 9 with the percentage of student learning outcomes reaching 50% and increased significantly in cycle II to 19 students who completed with a percentage of 100%. After reflection and improvement. This shows that the use of the jigasaw method is effective in improving the learning outcomes of class V students at SDN SDN 057755 Pulau Banyak in the mathematics subject. Based on this research, it is concluded that using the jigsaw method in Mathematics learning can improve student learning outcomes and make learning more effective. It is hoped that the results of this research can contribute to the development of interesting and effective learning media, especially in mathematics subjects.</p>2024-07-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian dan Riset Mahasiswa Konflik Dalam Peningkatan Kinerja Guru Di MIS Al Ilmiyyun Paya Rengas2024-08-03T11:52:14+07:00Ahmad Zakiahmadzaki@gmail.comPitriani<p>The conflicts that usually occur at MIS Al Ilmiyyun Paya Rengas regarding teacher performance are caused by differences of opinion, misunderstandings, sensitive feelings and differences in the characteristics of the teaching staff which have an impact on harmony between fellow teachers at the madrasa. Therefore, conflict management is needed as a strategy in solving problems to create good and positive team work performance and can help the development of the MIS Al Ilmiyyun Paya Rengas madrasah. This type of research uses a qualitative approach. The subjects of this research were Madrasah heads and Islamic religious teachers. Method of collecting data by means of observation, interviews and documentation. The analysis technique goes through the stages of the data collection process, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion presentation. The results of the research show that the causes of conflict that occur among MIS teachers at Al Ilmiyyun Paya Rengas include quarrels, disputes, disagreements. Then teachers sometimes often arrive late, are less enthusiastic in carrying out irresponsible tasks, and tend to change their attitude unlike usual. Madrasah Principal's conflict management at MIS Al Ilmiyyun Paya Rengas uses a persuasive and family approach, deliberation and discussion, as well as using his authority as school principal when necessary. Conflict management in improving the performance of MIS Al Ilmiyyun Paya Rengas teachers by planning, implementing and evaluating teacher performance.</p>2024-07-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian dan Riset Mahasiswa Waktu Efektif Dalam Belajar Menurut Syaikh Az-Zarnuji dan Penerapannya di PPM Al-Fath Langkat Tahun Pembelajaran 2023-20242024-08-21T17:40:58+07:00RisnaWalidah Abdullah Sanistaijm5@gmail.comAbdullah<p><em>This study aims to find out how the Application of Effective Time in Learning According to ShaykhAz-ZarnujianditsApplicationinPPMAl-FathLangkatLearningYear2023-2024and how the Level of Effectiveness in learning at PPM Al FathLangkat. This research is a field research (field reserch), with a qualitative approach, the subjects used in this study are Santriwan / wati class IX PPM Al FathLangkat and also ustdz and ustdzahrumahTahfidzMTsSPPMAlFathLangkatbecameinformantsintheresearch.Thedatacollectiontechniques used in this study were observation, interviews and documentation. From the results of the study, it is known that the implementation of the Tahfidz Program at PPMAlFathLangkatstartsonMondaytoFridayafterschoolstartsat14.00to15.00orbefore Asr.ThisQur'anTahfidzactivityisthatstudentsdeposittheirmemorizationtoUtdzahTahfidz, this activity makes very many mistakes because students cannot manage their time in memorization.MuchofthememorizationdonebystudentsisineffectiveandlacksMuraaja'ah. From this came the thought of Shaykh Az-Zarnuji who said that. The application of effective timeinlearningcarriedoutatPPMAlFathLangkatisbasedonlesstimeinstudying,andthere are still many students who rarely do Muraja'ah. This is a problem why the Effective Time at PPM Al FathLangkat has become very ineffective, with the presence of the Thought of Az- Zarnujiwhichexplainsthattheeffectivetimeinlearningisduringsuhoortime(beforeorafter dawn), and between maghrib and isha has been implemented at PPM Al FathLangkat with variousactivitiesandthelatestschedules.Sothatstudentsbetterusetheirmemorizationwhen depositing to UtsdzahTahfdiz. The level of effectiveness is based on the application carried out by the author at the Modren Al FathLangkatIslamic Boarding School by applying Effective Time in Learning According to Shaykh Az-Zarnuji conducted at PPM Al FathLangkat.VeryEffectivefeltbyPembinaTahfidzwiththeresultsoftheauthor'sinterviewwith the Coach. This effectiveness assessment is carried out for a week so that itcan be concluded tobeveryeffectivewiththetimeofsuhoor(beforeorafterdawn),aswellasbetweenmaghrib and isha according to Shaikjh Az-Zarnuji.</em></p>2024-07-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian dan Riset Mahasiswa Teknologi Berbasis Digital Dalam Proses Pembelajaran PAI Di SMKN 1 Tanjung Pura 2024-09-12T17:14:49+07:00Sapurasapura02@gmail.comSatria Wigunaswiguna49@gmail.comMuhizar<p><em>This study aims to analyze and evaluate the integration of digital-based technology in the Islamic Education (PAI) learning process at SMKN 1 Tanjung Pura. Digital technologies, such as projectors, computers, mobile phones, and applications like PowerPoint, WhatsApp, Canva, and YouTube, are integrated into learning with the goal of enhancing student engagement and participation, as well as deepening their understanding of the material. This research employs a qualitative method, often referred to as a naturalistic method. Data collection techniques for this study include observation, interviews, and documentation. The results indicate that the use of digital technology can increase student involvement in the learning process, but also highlight the importance of infrastructure readiness and teacher training in optimizing the potential of this technology. The study concludes that the integration of digital-based technology can significantly support the effectiveness of PAI learning, provided there is adequate support in terms of infrastructure and teachers' pedagogical abilities.</em></p>2024-09-12T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian dan Riset Mahasiswa GURU NON PENDIDIKAN DALAM PEMBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM (STUDI KASUS MADRASAH KASRATUSSA’ADAH TANJUNG PURA) 2024-10-11T09:57:53+07:00Pupu Muhidinpupu.muhidin3004@gmail.comUsmaidarusmaidar@gmail.comNurmisda<p>This research aims to determine the problems of non-education teachers in teaching Islamic Religious Education at Madrasah Aliyah Kasratussa'adah Tanjung Pura. The percentage of teachers who do not have a bachelor's degree or have no education is greater than teachers who have a degree which is around 56% or 10 teachers who teach at Madarsah Aliyah Kasratussa'adah which is the background for this research. This research is a qualitative case study research, the subjects of this research are two teachers who do not yet have a Bachelor's degree who teach subjects within the scope of Islamic Religious Education. The results of the research show that non-education teachers experience problems in learning Islamic Religious Education, namely: (1). Teachers do not understand the K13 learning tools or the independent curriculum; (2). Teachers have not been able to create learning tools (RPP or Teaching Modules), etc.; (3). Teachers do not understand strategies, approaches, methods, techniques and media; (4). Teachers are less varied when implementing learning; (5). Teachers are not yet able to create evaluation questions independently.</p>2024-10-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian dan Riset Mahasiswa Dampak Transisi Kurikulum 2013 Ke Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar dalam Mengembangkan Minat Belajar Siswa Kelas VII SMP IT Al-Kahfi Hinai2024-10-13T17:26:46+07:00Wirda<p>This research aims to determine the impact of the transition from the 2013 curriculum to the independent learning curriculum in developing the learning interest of seventh grade students of Smp It Al-Kahfi Hinai. The approach used is qualitative by involving the principal, teachers, students and parents of students as research subjects. Data collected through observation, interviews, and documentation to obtain a comprehensive picture of the impact of this curriculum transition. about the impact analysis of this curriculum transition. The results showed that the curriculum transition has a positive impact on students, positive changes that are evident from students during the implementation of the independent curriculum The positive changes that are evident from students during the implementation of the independent learning curriculum are that they can know that if they learn a theme or material they understand its use, where it is not only limited to material but more to application and implementation. The independent curriculum allows teachers to link subject matter with students' learning interests, so that students will be more students' learning interests, so that students will be more positively affected. As for the factors inhibiting the implementation of the independent curriculum at Smp It Al-Kahfi Hinai is that it takes a long time to adjust to the independent curriculum. time to adjust to the independent curriculum, lack of facilities and infrastructure. infrastructure.</p>2024-10-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian dan Riset Mahasiswa Persepsi Guru Fikih Kelas XII Dalam Mendesain Pembelajaran Berbasis Penelitian Di MAN 2 Langkat2024-10-14T22:22:18+07:00Rizka<p><em>This study aims to reveal the perception of class XII fiqh teachers at MAN 2 Langkat in designing and implementing research-based learning in fiqh subjects. The approach used is qualitative by involving school principals, fiqh teachers, and students as research subjects. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation to obtain a comprehensive picture of the implementation of this method. The results showed that 1) Teachers have a positive perception of research-based learning, as it helps students in developing critical and analytical thinking skills. 2) The implementation of this learning involves analyzing themes or problems relevant to fiqh material, with teacher guidance in observing phenomena around them. Although there are obstacles, such as students' low initial ability in critical thinking, teachers have overcome them through concrete examples and structured guidance. 3) This research-based learning also successfully connects theory and practice, where real cases are integrated with the principles of Islamic law, so that students can understand the material more applicable and relevant. </em></p>2024-10-14T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian dan Riset Mahasiswa Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran E-Book Terhadap Minat Membaca Dalam Mata Pelajaran SKI Pada Siswa Kelas X di MAS Yaspen Muslim Pematang Tengah2024-10-14T22:57:09+07:00Chairina Ersa Matondangkhairinaersa19@gmail.comMuhizar Muchtarkhairinaersa19@gmail.comNurmisda<p><em>This study focuses on the discussion of the influence, magnitude of influence and relationship between the use of E-Book learning media on reading interest in SKI subjects for grade X students at MAS Yaspen Muslim Pematang Tengah. In this study, the author uses a quantitative research type that is correlational. Respondents in this study were grade X students at MAS Yaspen Muslim Pematang Tengah totaling 49 people. Data processing using Microsoft Office Excel and SPSS applications. The results of the study explain that there is a significant influence of the use of E-Book learning media on reading interest in SKI subjects for grade X students at MAS Yaspen Muslim Pematang Tengah influence. This is obtained through the results of the hypothesis test, namely the t-test, the t<sub>value</sub> is obtained 4.788 with a significance value of 0.000 because the significance value is less than 0.05 (0.000 <0.05) and the t<sub>value</sub> > t<sub>table</sub> (4.788> 2.01174) then there is an influence of variable X on variable Y. E-Book learning media affects reading interest in SKI subjects in class X students at MAS Yaspen Muslim Pematang Tengah by 31.4%. There is a positive or parallel relationship between the Use of E-Book Learning Media (X) and Reading Interest (Y), the better the use of E-Book learning media, the greater the interest in reading in SKI subjects in class X students at MAS Yaspen Muslim Pematang Tengah and vice versa, if the use of E-Book learning media is not good, then the interest in reading in SKI subjects in class X students at MAS Yaspen Muslim Pematang Tengah will decrease. This shows that the use of E-Book learning media carried out by SKI subject teachers is closely related to students' reading interest because it makes it easier for students to read anytime and anywhere through their respective cellphones.</em></p>2024-10-14T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian dan Riset Mahasiswa Kesiapan Guru PAI Dalam Menghadapi Tantangan Multikultural di SMK Negeri 1 Tanjung Pura2024-10-15T14:48:01+07:00Aulia Ananda Putriauliaaul960@gmail.comM Hasbullahauliaaul960@gmail.comRani<p><em>This study aims to analyze the readiness of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teachers in facing multicultural challenges at SMK Negeri 1 Tanjung Pura. Using a qualitative approach, this study collected data through observation, interviews, and documentation to gain an in-depth understanding of the conditions of diversity in schools and the role of PAI teachers. The results showed that 1) SMK Negeri 1 Tanjung Pura has significant religious, ethnic, and cultural diversity, but this diversity can be a source of learning and not conflict. 2) The readiness of PAI teachers in managing multicultural challenges is seen through continuous learning, the creation of an inclusive environment, and active involvement in diversity promotion activities. 3) However, there are barriers such as lack of specialized training and limited resources, while supports such as collaboration among teachers and effective communication are supporting factors. This study recommends continuous training and increased resources to optimize PAI teachers' readiness.</em></p> <p> </p>2024-10-15T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian dan Riset Mahasiswa Penguatan Projek Profil Pelajar Rahmatan Lil Alamin (Ppra) Dengan Tema Wirausaha Terhadap Pembentukan Karakter Siswa Di Kelas VII MTS Negeri 3 Langkat2024-10-16T19:02:19+07:00Nurmalanmala9506@gmail.comNurmisda Ramayaninurmisdaramayani@gmail.comSatria<p>Lack of a PPRA model that is based on student needs. The current PPRA model also often does not involve the teacher's active role. It is necessary to develop a PPRA model that provides space for teachers to be creative and innovate in implementing PPRA. This type of research is quantitative research with an associative (relationship) approach, where the quantitative approach is research in the form of numbers to test a hypothesis. The variable referred to in this research is the relationship between Strengthening the Rahmatan Lil Alamin Student Profile Project (PPRA) (X) and the formation of student character (Y) in Class VII MTS Negeri 3 Langkat. The population in this study was 313 with the research sample being 40 class VII students at MTS Negeri 3 Langkat. Data collection methods include observation, interviews, documentation and questionnaires. The questionnaire instrument for collecting data is in the form of a questionnaire consisting of ten questions with five answer options. The analysis technique for this research is the t test (partial test), coefficient of determination test, and simple linear regression using Microsoft Office Excel and SPSS version 22. The results of the research show that based on the data obtained regarding strengthening the Rahmatan Lil Alamin (PPRA) student profile project (X), statistically tcount > ttable (4.563 > 1.68595), there is an influence of variable X on variable Y. So it can be concluded that the hypothesis is accepted in the research This is Ha, namely that there is a significant influence between the implementation of the Strengthening the Rahmatan Lil Alamin Student Profile Project (PPRA) on the character formation of students in class VII MTS Negeri 3 Langkat. Meanwhile, the adjusted r square figure is 0.798 or 79.8%. It can be concluded that the implementation of the Rahmatan Lil Alamin Student Profile Strengthening Project (PPRA) (X) influences the formation of student character (Y) in class VII MTS Negeri 3 Langkat Stabat students by 79.8%. while the remaining 20.2% (100% - 94.8%) is influenced by other variables such as extracurricular school activities, student learning motivation, non-formal education such as private tahsin al-Quran lessons, tahfiz al-Quran lessons, and others.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian dan Riset Mahasiswa Pembelajaran Self Directed Learning dalam Pembelajaran PAI Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa SMP Swasta Ubudiyah Pangkalan Berandan2024-10-16T19:33:48+07:00Diandian11@gmail.comUsmaidarnmala9506@gmail.comNurmisda<p><em>Religious learning activities are expected to improve the quality of Islamic Religious Education learning, especially in public schools that have limited Islamic Religious Education subject hours. The subject of this research was the seventh grade students of SMP Swasta Ubudiyah Pangkalan Brandan which amounted to 22 people. This research was conducted in two cycles, where each cycle consisted of planning (planning) action (acting) observation (observing) and reflection (reflecting). From the analysis of the data obtained by the author, it is known that the initial condition that in class VII of SMP Swasta Ubudiyah Pangkalan Brandan there is a problem that the quality of learning of Islamic Religious Education students is still low and far from the KKM set by the Madrasah. In the pre-cycle implementation, the average student score was 65.48 with 35.48% completeness. Then implemented cycle I religious learning activities, from the data of class action research conducted there was an increase in the average value in cycle I to 72.74 with the number of completeness 64.525%. Continued to the action of cycle II religious learning activities, in this action there was an increase again, namely the average value of students 83.06 with 90.32% completeness. This shows that the implementation of religious learning activities can develop the quality of Islamic Religious Education learning because the students who are complete have exceeded 85%, namely 90.32% and the average student score of 83.06 exceeds the KKM score of 75.</em></p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian dan Riset Mahasiswa MODEL PROJECT BASED LEARNING (PjBL) UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PEMAHAMAN PADA MATA PELAJARAN PAI MATERI SHOLAT JENAZAH DI KELAS X SMA SWASTA MULIA SECURAI 2024-10-21T19:49:29+07:00Tiara Rahmadanityararahmadani12345@gmail.comAhmad Fuadiahmadfuadi311989@gmail.comM.<p><em>This research aims to enhance the understanding of 10th-grade students at SMA Swasta Mulia Securai about the material of funeral prayers by applying the Project Based Learning model. (PjBL). The method used is Classroom Action Research (CAR) with 29 student subjects. Data collection techniques include tests, observations, interviews, and documentation. From the initial observation results, it was found that the learning outcomes of the 10th-grade high school students for the 2023/2024 academic year showed that 1) the students' learning outcomes were still low, evidenced by only 22 out of 39 students achieving the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) with a percentage of 56.4%. 2) Before the implementation of Project-Based Learning (PjBL), only 45% of students achieved completeness with an average score of 67. 3) After the implementation of PjBL through two cycles, there was a significant improvement, where in the first cycle, 66% of students achieved completeness with an average score of 75, and in the second cycle, 90% of students achieved completeness with an average score of 84. 4) The PjBL model proved effective in enhancing students' understanding, making them more active and motivated during the learning process.</em></p>2024-10-21T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian dan Riset Mahasiswa Model Pembelajaran Value Clarification Technique (VCT) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Akidah Akhlak Siswa Kelas VIII MTsS Yaspen Muslim Pematang Tengah2024-10-22T19:26:23+07:00Misbahbahmisbah501@gmail.comMuhammad Salehnurmisdaramayani@gmail.comNurmisda<p><em>This study aims to analyze the impact of the Value Clarification Technique (VCT) learning model on students' learning outcomes in the subject of Akidah Akhlak in class VIII at MTsS Yaspen Muslim Pematang Tengah. The research method used is quasi-experimental with an equivalent control group design, involving two groups: the experimental class (VIII A), which uses the VCT model, and the control class (VIII B), which uses conventional teaching methods. The study population includes all students in class VIII, with a total sample of 60 students. Data collection techniques include observation, tests, and documentation. The research findings indicate that 1) the implementation of the VCT learning model was effective and successful in enhancing students' learning outcomes. 2) The learning outcomes of Akidah Akhlak students at MTsS Yaspen Muslim Pematang Tengah who were taught using the VCT learning model improved, with the average post-test score in the experimental class reaching 86, higher than the control class, which only achieved an average score of 78. 3) Statistical tests showed a significant impact of using VCT on improving students' learning outcomes, with a t-value of 3.80, which is greater than the t-table value of 2.04. This indicates that the VCT learning model is significantly more effective than conventional teaching methods in improving students' learning outcomes in the Akidah Akhlak subject.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>2024-10-22T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian dan Riset Mahasiswa LITERASI VISUAL DALAM PENGGUNAAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN SEJARAH KEBUDAYAAN ISLAM PADA SISWA KELAS X MAN 2 LANGKAT2024-10-24T15:42:14+07:00Nisa Rulia Amandanisaamanda15@gmail.comMuhammad Salehnisaamanda15@gmail.comMuamar Al<p><em>This study aims to examine the role of visual literacy in the use of Islamic Cultural History learning media at MAN 2 Langkat. The method used is qualitative research, which includes observation, interviews, and documentation to collect data. The results showed that 1) The application of visual literacy, through media such as PowerPoint, images, and videos, has proven effective in improving students' understanding of complex material. 2) The use of diverse learning media, especially visual media, encourages students' active involvement, with the support of adequate facilities such as projectors, which make the learning process more interactive. 3) Visual literacy helps connect theory with practice, so students are not only able to remember historical information, but also understand the context and significance of the historical events taught. This research provides important insights for teachers to integrate visual literacy in the learning process, in order to increase students' interest and motivation.</em></p>2024-10-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian dan Riset Mahasiswa IMPLEMENTASI KURIKULUM MERDEKA DALAM PENGUATAN PROFIL PELAJAR PANCASILA DI MAN 1 LANGKAT2024-10-25T19:04:45+07:00Mutia Ningrummutiamutia1728627@gmail.comDrs. H. Hasbullah, MAmutiamutia1728627@gmail.comNurmisda Ramayani,<p style="margin-left: 42.55pt; text-align: justify;"><em><span lang="EN-ID" style="font-family: 'Garamond','serif';">This research aims to analyze the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum in strengthening the Profile of Pancasila Students at MAN 1 Langkat. The research employs a qualitative method with data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation conducted repeatedly to ensure data validity. Data analysis was carried out using data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing techniques. The results showed that MAN 1 Langkat has implemented well-planned steps in applying the Merdeka curriculum and Pancasila Student Project Learning. These steps include forming a P5 facilitator team, assessing the school's readiness for project-based learning, designing dimensions, themes, and project time allocation, as well as developing Teaching Modules as structural guides. The project implementation consists of five stages: introduction, contextual, action, reflection, and follow-up, focusing on developing students' collaboration, communication, and critical thinking skills. Assessment in this project-based learning includes diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments. These assessments ensure comprehensive monitoring of students' development, from initial conditions to final outcomes, including the application of Pancasila values during the learning process. The assessment results are then used to evaluate the overall success of the learning process and student</span></em><span lang="EN-ID" style="font-family: 'Garamond','serif';"> development.</span></p>2024-10-25T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian dan Riset Mahasiswa KESIAPAN GURU MENGIMPLEMENTASIKAN ASESMEN AUTENTIK DALAM KURIKULUM MERDEKA DI MAN 2 LANGKAT2024-10-25T19:40:54+07:00Riska Hamdinariskahamdina75@gmail.comAhmad<p style="text-align: justify; margin: 5.0pt 0cm .0001pt 42.55pt;"><em><span lang="EN-ID" style="font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Garamond','serif';">This study aims to analyze the readiness of teachers in implementing authentic assessment within the Independent Curriculum at MAN 2 Langkat. The research method used is qualitative, with data collection techniques including interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the readiness of teachers at MAN 2 Langkat in implementing authentic assessment was generally good, although some challenges remain. Most teachers have sufficient understanding of the concept of authentic assessment and are motivated to apply it in the learning process. However, there is still a need for further training and support in designing more effective assessment instruments. The implementation of authentic assessment at MAN 2 Langkat has been well integrated into the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects. This reflects the school's strong commitment to providing balanced and comprehensive assessments, supporting not only the academic knowledge development of students but also preparing them to become competent individuals ready to face life’s challenges and contribute positively to society. However, challenges such as limited time for designing assessments, insufficient facilities, and the varying levels of understanding among teachers regarding authentic assessment still need to be addressed. With enhanced managerial support, further training, and efforts to overcome these obstacles, the implementation of authentic assessment is expected to run more effectively, supporting the optimal development of students’ cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills.</span></em></p>2024-10-25T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kajian dan Riset Mahasiswa