Penerapan Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka Dalam Meningkatkan Kreativitas Peserta Didik Di MIN 1 Langkat
The implementation of the Independent Curriculum is an effort to restore learning in order to realize the transformation of education in Indonesia in a better direction, namely that teachers can recognize students' potential more deeply in order to create relevant learning. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative approach, which aims to find out how the implementation of the independent curriculum increases the creativity of students at MIN 1 Langkat. The results of this research explain that the implementation of the independent curriculum at MIN 1 Langkat has been implemented well, IKM provides freedom of opinion and discussion and has a positive impact on students to be free to express themselves in completing the tasks given by the teacher. The teacher's role in increasing creativity is to stimulate imagination, free children to be creative, give praise to students, provide activities through learning videos. In the learning process, the implementation of the independent curriculum uses a differentiation approach. Meanwhile, a special feature of this curriculum to clearly demonstrate the position of differentiation is to group student learning outcomes based on the child's growth phase. The obstacle is that teachers still use the old way of learning and students are still learning and still lack expression, are afraid to express opinions, are afraid to appear, are mostly silent. Solutions carried out by teachers through group discussions and also through madrasa working groups examine shortcomings, obstacles and techniques in implementing the independent curriculum through discussions and training