Pelatihan Pidato Da’I Cilik Dalam Kegiatan Festival Anak Soleh di Desa Telaga Said Kecamatan Sei Lepan Kabupaten Langkat
Little preacher’s speechAbstract
Community service is one of the pilars of the tri dharma of higher education . One form its realizition is through cooperation between the regional govement and universities in the formation of KKN which is sustainable and provides mutual benefit , symbosis of loadelism . The purpose of this PKM is to improve the moral competence and etiquette of elementary school age children in Telaga Said village through the implementation of an activity program entitled “ Sholeh Children Festival “ FAS ) held by KKN student rom Stai - Jm Tanjung Pura who are directly guided by field supervisiors ( DPL ) One of The competitions in the fas is the Preachers speech . Through this Litlle Preacher’s speech training , it is hoped that it will be able to create generations of faith , Piety good morals and good character with the aim of getting used to speaking in public and interested in exploring the material to be conveyed
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