Sosialisasi Adab Pendidik Dan Peserta Didik Serta Relevansinya Terhadap Pendidikan Islam Di MAN 2 Langkat


  • Fatimah Ahmad STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat
  • Maulida STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat


: Etiquette, Discernment, Students, Islamic Education


The progress and development of technology that accompanies education to day has a positve  impact on educators and students in the form  of ease  of learning information and  communication facilities, but has a negative impact in the form of the collapse  of character. Ethicts, morals, manners and manners as we often see on social media online or offline.the moral crisis that we see today is that the  low level of honoring and respecting educators can be seen as aform of immorality for people who seek knowledge  without  bringing benefits and blessings to themselves and the environmant around them. This education aims to determine  the etiquette of educators and students regarding the relevance  of the Islamic Religous perspective. This type of resesearch, namely descriptive  in nature. Disscussion related  to the etiquette of educators and studnt, the relevance  of Islamic education to the resesearer  of adab and its relationship pattens with interaction  and comuunication between  educators and students and their education ideally according to Islamic teachings based on the arguments of the quran an d hadits.


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