Upaya Meningkatkan Efektivitas Kegiatan Menghafal Al-Qur’an Melalui Media Video Pada Siswa Kelas VII di Pondok Pesantren Kampong Qur’an Desa Pulau Banyak


  • Muhammad Irfan STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat
  • Kamaliah R STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Tanjung Pura Langkat


Al-Qur'an Memorisation Ability, Video Media


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Al-Qur'an memorisation activities through video media for seventh grade students at Kampong Qur'an Islamic Boarding School in Pulau Banyak Village. This research is included in class action research (Action Research). This research uses a type of collaborative model, namely researchers with Tahfiz Qur'an study field teachers in class VII of the Kampong Qur'an Islamic Boarding School in Pulau Banyak Village. The subjects in the Classroom Action Research were class VII students of Pondok Pesantren Kampong Qur'an Desa Pulau Banyak with a total of 35 students. The instruments in this research are observation, interviews, tests and documentation.  The ability to memorise the Qur'an of Class VII students in Tahfidzul Qur'an subjects before using video media is still relatively low. It can be seen from the students' scores that out of 35 students only 11 students are complete or 31%. While 24 students have not been completed in memorising the Qur'an or 69%. While in this study it can be declared classically complete if students are able to memorise the Qur'an reaching 85%. The application of video media can be implemented well through two cycles.  This can be seen through the activities carried out by teachers and students in cycle I and cycle II have increased.  The results of teacher observations in cycle I were 71% then became 91% in cycle II.  In cycle II, there was an increase in the percentage of the effectiveness of students' memorisation of the Qur'an by 20% from the first cycle. After the application of video media, students' ability to memorise the Qur'an has increased, this can be seen from the pre-cycle test results which only reached an average score of 31% (less) then increased in cycle I to 71% (sufficient) then in cycle II increased again to 91 (good).  Therefore, it is concluded that the use of video media can improve students' ability to memorise the Qur'an.


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