Penerapan Metode Hiwar untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa pada Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Kelas XII TKJ di SMKNegeri 1 Tanjung Pura


  • Dimas Agusti STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat
  • Kamaliah R STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat


Student Learning Motivation, Hiwar, Spirit of Worship by Emulating the End of Days


The application of the learning model is still not optimal because learning is carried out only using the lecture method and giving assignments and questions and answers. This results in teachers not maximizing their efforts to increase student learning motivation which can influence student learning outcomes. The research problem in class incomplete. The method used by researchers is Classroom Action Research which uses a cyclical reflection system consisting of two cycles to determine the increase in student learning motivation and student learning outcomes. The data collection methods used are interviews, observation, tests and documentation. The research subjects were 32 students. The results of this research are that the application of the Hiwar method in increasing student learning motivation in the field of study of Islamic Religious Education for Class Initially there were 56.10 students who got a complete score in the Islamic Religious Education study area, in the first cycle this increased to 71.25. The average score of students who completed the Islamic Religious Education learning activities. In cycle II, the level of student completion in learning PAI reached an average score of 81. Based on the results of the actions in cycle II, the conclusion can be drawn that the Hiwar method can increase student learning motivation, this is proven by the increase in student learning outcomes.


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