Persepsi Guru PAI Dalam Mendesain Modul Ajar Berbasis Kompetensi Psikomotorik Siswa Di SMA Negeri 1 Gebang
teaching module, competency, psychomotorAbstract
Based on the results of observations made by the author at the research location, the author obtained facts in the field that the perception of Islamic Religious Education teachers has not been implemented optimally by using teaching modules based on increasing students' psychomotor competence. This is because study field teachers only use conventional teaching modules, namely using innovative-based teaching methods and models. Therefore, the author conducted research on the perceptions of Islamic Religious Education teachers in designing psychomotor-based teaching modules at SMA Negeri 1 Gebang. The research method used in this thesis is data collection techniques by means of observation, interviews and documentation using qualitative research methods. After carrying out the series of research stages above. So, the author concludes that the perception of Islamic Religious Education teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Gebang in designing teaching modules based on psychomotor competence is carried out by integrating or combining digital technology in compiling and implementing teaching modules that are centered on increasing students' psychomotor competence. Islamic Religious Education has adapted the concept of teaching modules to conventional teaching modules with teaching modules based on technology and information so that they can be used as teaching materials that can help teachers convey learning material. The PAI teacher's perception of implementing learning and teaching activities is through digital devices implemented by PAI learning teachers, namely LCD projectors, Canva applications, WhatsApp Group, Google Meet, Google Form.