Author Guidelines

Language Editing
Journal of Idara At-Ta'lim : Journal of Islamic Education Management requires submitted manuscripts to meet national standards for Indonesian and international standards for English to be considered for publication. Articles are usually published in these 2 languages. For authors who would like their manuscripts to receive language editing or proofing to improve the clarity of their manuscripts and help highlight their research, the Idara At-Ta'lim Journal : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam recommends language editing services provided by internal or external partners (contact the Head of the Idara At-Journal journal). Ta'lim for more information). Please note that submitting your manuscript for language editing does not mean or guarantee that it will be accepted for publication by Jurnal Idara At-Ta'lim: Journal of Islamic Education Management. Editorial decisions about the scientific content of a manuscript do not depend on whether the manuscript has received editing or language checks by partner services, or other services.

Language style
The default language style in Idara At-Ta'lim Journal: Journal of Islamic Education Management is American English. If you prefer your article formatted in British English, please mention this in your manuscript on the first page.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
There are simple ways to maximize your article discoverability. Follow the steps below to improve your article search results:
1. Include some of your article keywords in the article title;
2. Do not use long article titles;
3. Choose 3 to 5 keywords using a mix of general terms and more specific to the subject of the article;
4. Use the maximum number of keywords in the first 2 sentences of the abstract;
5. Use multiple keywords in level 1 headings.

The title is written in capital letters, aligned to the center, and the Calibri font with size 15 bold at the top of the page. The title should be brief, omit implied terms and, where applicable, be a statement of the main results or conclusions presented in the manuscript. Abbreviations should be avoided in the title. A witty or creative title is welcome, but only if it is relevant and in size. Consider whether a thought-provoking title might be misinterpreted as offensive or worrying. In extreme cases, the editorial office may veto the title and propose alternatives.

Author and Affiliate
All names are listed together and separated by commas. Provide proper and correct author name as this will be indexed in the official archive. Affiliation must be entered to the author's name with a superscript number and listed as follows: Institute/University/Organization, Country (without detailed address information such as city postal code or street name). Example: STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat, Indonesia. Author Correspondence must be marked with a superscript. Provide the exact contact email address of the appropriate author in a separate section under affiliation.

As the main objective, the abstract should make the general significance and conceptual progress of the work clearly accessible to a wide audience. In the abstract, minimize the use of abbreviations and do not cite references. Word length is not more than 250 words, written in Indonesian and English.
Tips: (1) Educational background, (2) Purpose and scope of the paper, (3) Method, (4) Summary of results or findings, (5) Conclusion, (6) Keywords, namely: You can provide up to 5 words key; Minimum 3 is mandatory.

All documents must be single-spaced and must contain page and line numbers to facilitate the review process. The journal Idara At-Ta'lim recommends manuscripts written using MS-Word 97-2003.

The use of abbreviations should be minimized. Non-standard abbreviations should be avoided unless they occur at least four times, and are defined at first use in the main text. Also consider providing a list of non-standard abbreviations at the end, right before Acknowledgments.

For Original Research Articles, it is recommended to organize your manuscript in the following sections:
An introduction is slightly different from a short and concise abstract. Readers need to know the background to your research and, most importantly, why your research is important in this context. What critical questions does your research answer? Why should readers be interested?
The purpose of the Introduction is to stimulate the interest of the reader and to provide the pertinent background information necessary to understand the rest of the paper. You should summarize the problem to be discussed, provide background on the subject, discuss previous research on the topic, and explain exactly what the paper will cover, why, and how. A good thing to avoid is to make your introduction a minireview. There's a ton of literature out there, but as a scientist, you need to be able to pick the things that are most relevant to your work and explain why. This shows editors/reviewers/readers that you really understand your area of ​​research and that you can get right to the most important issues. Keep your Introduction very concise, well structured, and include all the information needed to keep up with your findings. Don't overwhelm the reader by making the introduction too long.
Tips: (1) Begin the Introduction by providing a brief background of the problem being studied, (2) State the purpose of the investigation. The purpose of your research is the most important part of the introduction, (3) Define the importance of your work: Why is there a need to do research?, (4) Introduce the reader to the relevant literature, (5) Do not provide a complete history of the topic, (6) Only cite the work previous ones that have a direct bearing on the current problem (Sophistication, relevant research to justify the novelty of the manuscript, (7) State a gap analysis or novelty statement, (8) State clearly your hypothesis, and the variables investigated, and concisely summarize the methods used , (9) Define specific/regional abbreviations or terms Examples of novelty statements or gap analysis statements at the end of the Introduction section (after the state of the art survey of previous research): "........(background summary).... ... Some researchers focus on ....... There is limited research related to ........ Therefore, this study intends to ............. Purposeof this research is ......... ".
Be brief and aware of who will be reading your manuscript and make sure the Introduction is addressed to that audience. Move from general to specific; from real-world problems to the literature to your research. Lastly, please avoid subsections in the Introduction.
In the Methods section, you clearly explain how you conducted your research to: (1) allow readers to evaluate the work done and (2) allow others to replicate your research. You must explain exactly what you are doing: what and how the experiment was run, what, how much, how often, where, when, and why equipment and materials were used. A key consideration is to ensure that sufficient detail is provided to verify your findings and to allow replication of the study. You have to strike a balance between brevity (you can't explain every technical issue) and completeness (you need to provide sufficient detail to let the reader know what's going on).
Tips: (1) Define the population and sampling method, (2) Describe the instrumentation, (3) Describe the procedure and if relevant, the time frame, (4) Describe the analysis plan, (5) Describe any approach to ensure validity and reliability, (6) Describe statistical tests and comparisons made; ordinary statistical methods should be used without comment; sophisticated or unusual methods may require citation of the literature, and (7) Describe the scope and/or limitations of the methodology you are using. In the social and behavioral sciences, it is important to always provide sufficient information to enable other researchers to adopt or replicate your methodology. This information is especially important when new methods have been developed or innovative uses of existing methods are used. Lastly, please avoid creating subsections in Methods.
Results and Discussion
The purpose of Results and Discussion is to state your findings and make interpretations and/or opinions, explain the implications of your findings, and make suggestions for future research. Its main function is to answer the questions posed in the introduction, explain how the results support the answers and, how the answers fit the existing knowledge on the topic. Discussions are considered core and usually require some writing effort.
The discussion will always relate to the introduction through the research questions or hypotheses you raise and the literature you review, but not simply repeating or rearranging the introduction; The discussion should always explain how your study has moved the reader's understanding of the research problem forward from where you left it at the end of the introduction.
To clarify your message, the discussion should be kept as brief as possible while clearly and completely stating, supporting, explaining and defending your answer and discussing other important and relevant issues face-to-face. Attention should be paid to providing comments and not repeating results. Side issues should not be included, as these tend to obscure the message.
Tips: (1) State the Main Findings of the Study, (2) Explain What the Findings Mean and Why the Findings are Important, (3) Support answers with results, (4) Explain how your results relate to expectations and the literature, clearly stating why they are acceptable and how they are consistent or consistent with previously published knowledge on the topic, (5) Relate Findings to Similar Studies, (6) Consider Alternative Explanations of Findings, (7) Research implications, (8) Acknowledging Study Limitations, and (9) Provide Suggestions for Further Research.
It is easy to inflate the interpretation of the results. Be careful that your interpretation of the results does not go beyond what is supported by the data. Data is data: nothing more, nothing less. Please avoid and correct interpretation of results, unwarranted speculation, exaggeration of the importance of findings, tangential issues or overemphasizing the impact of your research.
Working with Graphics
Figures and tables are the most effective way of presenting results. Descriptions must be able to stand alone, so that figures and tables can be understood without having to read the entire text. In addition, the data represented must be easy to interpret.
Conclusions are meant to help readers understand why your research is important to them after they finish reading the paper. A conclusion is not just a summary of the main topics discussed or a restatement of your research problem, but a synthesis of key points. It is important that conclusions do not leave questions unanswered.
All in-text citations must be in the reference list and vice versa. References should only include published or accepted articles. Datasets that have been saved to online repositories should be included in the reference list, including versions and unique identifiers if available. For works that were accepted but not published use "in press" instead of page numbers. Unpublished data, submitted manuscripts, or private communications should be cited in text only, for the types of articles that allow such inclusion. Personal communications must be documented with a permit.
In-text citations should be cited according to the first author's last name, followed by the year. For works by 2 authors, include both surnames, followed by the year. For works of more than 2 authors, only list the last name of the first author, followed by et al., followed by the year. For assistance, please use reference management (Mendeley or Zotero) and use the American Psychological Association 7th Edition format. If possible, provide a retrieved link for each reference.
Articles in print journals:
Maba, A.P. (2017). Paradoxical intervention in guidance and counseling to overcome anxiety. Counsellia: Journal of Guidance and Counseling, 7(2), 99-109.
Articles in online journals:
Maba, A.P. (2017). Paradoxical intervention in guidance and counseling to overcome anxiety. Counsellia: Journal of Guidance and Counseling, 7(2), 99-109.
Article or chapter in a book:
Hambleton, R.K. (2005). Problems, designs and technical guidelines for adapting tests to different languages ​​and cultures. In Adapting educational and psychological tests for cross-cultural assessment (p. 3-38). Mahwah, NJ, USA: Erlbaum.
Baron, R.A. (1977). Human Aggression. Boston, MA: Springer USA.
Thesis and Dissertation:
Maba, A.P. (2017). The Role of Loneliness and Social Anxiety on Thesis for Student Counseling. Ma'arif Institute of Islamic Religion NU Metro Lampung, Lampung.

Additional material
Journal of Idara At-Ta'lim : Journal of Islamic Education Management does not support pushing important results and information into additional sections. However, data that is not very important for the text, or which cannot be included in the article because it is too large or the current format does not allow it (such as movies, raw data trails, PowerPoint presentations, etc.) can be uploaded during the submission procedure and will be displayed along with published articles. Additional Materials can be uploaded as Datasheets (word, excel, csv, cdx, fasta, pdf or zip files), Presentations (PowerPoint files, pdf or zip), Supplementary Images (cdx, eps, jpeg, pdf, png or tif) , Additional Tables (word, excel, csv or pdf), Audio (mp3, wav or wma) or Video (avi, divx, flv, mov, mp4, mpeg, mpg or wmv).