Peer Review Policy

Peer Review Policy are:
1. Manuscripts submitted are first reviewed by the editor. This will be evaluated, whether it is suitable for the focus and scope of the Journal of Idarah At-Ta'lim or has major methodological weaknesses and similarity scores using Turnitin.
2. Manuscripts will be sent to at least two anonymous reviewers (Double Blind Review). The reviewer's comments are then sent to the corresponding author for the necessary actions and responses.
3. The proposed decision will be evaluated in the editorial board meeting. After that, the editor will send the final decision to the author concerned.

Review Results
The review process will take approximately 1 to 12 weeks. Decision categories include:
1. Rejected - Rejected manuscripts will not be published and authors will not have the opportunity to resubmit a revised version of the manuscript.
2. Resubmit for Review– Submissions need to be reworked, but with significant changes, are acceptable. However, it will require a second round of review.
3. Accept with Revision - Manuscripts that accept a revision decision pending a decision will be published in the Idarah At-Ta'lim Journal on the condition that minor/major modifications are made. Revisions will be reviewed by the editor to ensure necessary updates are made prior to publication.
4. Accept - Accepted manuscripts will be published in their current form without further modification.