Implementasi Gaya Kepemimpinan Kyai dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru di Pesantren Hujjaturahmah Tanjung Pura


  • Muhammad Aditya STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat
  • Syarifah
  • Syarifah Hidayani


Implementation, style, leadership, kyai


The purposes of this study are: 1) To find out how the kyai's leadership style is in guiding ustadz and ustadzah at the Hujjaturrahman Islamic boarding school Tanjung Pura, 2) To find out how the kyai's leadership style is in directing ustadz and ustadzah at the Hujjaturrahman Islamic boarding school Tanjung Pura, 3) To find out how the kyai's leadership style is the leadership of the kyai in encouraging ustadz and ustadzah at the Hujjaturrahman Islamic boarding school Tanjung Pura. To find out what efforts were made by the Kyai in Improving Study Achievement at the Hujjaturrahman Islamic boarding school, Tanjung Pura. To obtain the data needed in this study, field research was used, namely by using data collection tools through observation, interviews or structured interviews, and documentation. The data obtained was then processed and analyzed. In this study, qualitative research was used with an analytical description approach, namely by describing the research results obtained through structured interviews on research sources. The results of the research on the leadership style of the kyai in guiding the Hujjaturrahmah Islamic boarding school as a kyai leader carry out an evaluation of the activities contained in the boarding school. This has the aim of providing improvements in the problems that occur in order to achieve the vision and mission of Islamic boarding schools. The leadership style of the kyai in directing the Hujjaturrahmah Islamic boarding school provides directions to facilitate the learning process for ustadz and ustazah, namely making them better at carrying out their work. Kyai's leadership style in encouraging Hujjaturrahmah Islamic boarding schools, provides motivations that have the goal of giving a sense of enthusiasm to ustadz and ustadzah in carrying out the learning process so that it can run according to the goals and become more responsible in carrying out obligations, discipline towards the tasks assigned. was right. The leadership style of the kyai in moving the Hujjaturrahmah Islamic boarding school, in terms of moving the kyai to give tasks and responsibilities to the ustadz and ustadzah before implementing the KBM learning at the boarding school


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