Strategi Kepala Sekolah dalam Pembinaan Karakter Religius Peserta Didik di SMAS At-Ta’awun Sumenep


  • Nurul Hikam Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim, Mojokerto


Principal Strategy,, Religious Character


In the current era of globalization, there are many issues that must be considered, especially in fostering the attitude or character of students. The problems that arise need character building and continuous improvement by educators. The purpose of this researcher is to describe and analyze the principal's strategy in developing the religious character of students and to describe the evaluation of the implementation of religious character development. The focus of research in this writing is how to implement the principal's strategy in fostering the religious character of students and how to evaluate the implementation of the principal's strategy in fostering the religious character of students at SMA At-Ta'awun Legung Barat Batang-Batang Sumenep Madura. This research is a type of qualitative research using a case study approach. The research location is at SMAS At-ta'awun Legung Barat Batang-Batang, Sumenep. Collecting research data using interview guides, observation and documentation. Data were analyzed through data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The findings of this study indicate that the principal's strategy in fostering the religious character of students at SMAS At-ta'awun Legung Barat Batang-Batang Sumenep is by habituation, exemplary, partnership activities in acculturation, supervision and evaluation of the programs that have been implemented. The form of implementing the school principal's strategy in fostering the religious character of students includes prayers at Duhur and Duha in congregation, literacy reading the Koran and praying together before starting lessons, study of the book, commemoration of Islamic holidays, shaking hands with the teacher before entering school, remembrance Asmaul Husna and 4S ceremonies and habits (smiles, greetings, greetings and courtesy).


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