Strategi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Membimbing Self Management Siswa di SMK Ma’arif Keputeran Pringsewu


  • Ahmad Mubarok Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim, Mojokerto


Strategy,, Islamic Relegious Education Teachers, Self Management


Islamic religious education teachers as mentors as well as fostering their students in order to achieve the goals of Islamic education that are rahmatan lil alamin, so that students can control themselves towards noble and noble character, both in their family environment and in the social environment of society. one of the central functions in the individual, the effect of self-management on the emergence of behavior is considered influential, because the result of a person's self-management process is visible behavior, and on observations at SMK Ma'arif Keputran had a breakthrough in guiding self-management in students by Islamic religious education teachers. The focus of the research in this paper is how the strategy of Islamic religious education teachers in guiding self-management activities of Islamic religious education teachers to guide self-management in students of SMK Ma'arif Keputran and how to implement strategies of Islamic religious education teachers in guiding self-management in SMK Ma'arif Keputran. This research uses a case study approach, and is a type of qualitative research. Methods of data collection using interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis used the Mathew Miles and A Michael Hubermen model, namely data reduction in presenting data and drawing conclusions (Verification).The results of the research from the strategy of Islamic religious education teachers in guiding self-management at SMK Ma'arif Keputran, namely there are eight strategies carried out by Islamic religious education teachers, 1). Through religious activities, 2). Culture of smiling, greeting, greeting, polite, 3). tadarus al-Qur'an, 4). Istiqosah and prayer together, 5). Duha prayer, 6). Zuhur prayer in congregation, 7). Banjari, 8). Celebration of Islamic holidays.


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