Manajemen Strategi Kepala Madrasah Dalam Menerapkan Kurikulum 2013 Pada Jenjang Madrasah Ibtidaiyah di Kecamatan Buleleng
Implementation, Curriculum 2013, ManagementAbstract
This study aims to determine the 2013 curriculum management at Islamic Primary School in Buleleng sub-district, the obstacles in implementing the 2013 curriculum, and the efforts made by the Madrasah Head in overcoming the obstacles in the implementation of the 2013 curriculum. This study used a descriptive qualitative research method. The data obtained in this study were obtained directly. By conducting interviews with the Head of Islamic School, Deputy Head of Curriculum and Teachers to obtain data related to the 2013 curriculum implementation management. The results of this study indicate that the 2013 Curriculum Management at Islamic Primary School in Buleleng District has been implemented well and maximally. In terms of planning / planning in the form of learning administration (annual programs, semester programs, syllabus and lesson plans), the teacher has made it in accordance with the provisions and should be made. Between one program with other programs are interrelated / sustainable. For organizing the teacher does not only in learning administration but also in class management. In terms of actuating/ implementation, the learning process runs well and smoothly even though the implementation is still not one hundred percent using the Scientific Learning approach . While in controlling/ assessing, teachers do it in accordance with government regulations, namely using authentic assessment. The obstacles faced in the management of implementing Curriculum 13 at Islamic Primary School are; integrating one subject with another subject, the density of the material to be delivered, the distribution of old student textbooks, the number of students in each class is too many, preparing the right media and strategies, the provision of infrastructure that has not been maximized, human resources that are not optimal. mastering IT is not yet 100%, mapping Basic Competencies (KD) and the complexity of the assessment. Efforts made to foster and overcome obstacles in K-13 management by teachers include; conduct additional tutoring for students who have not completed or are weak in lessons, teachers read a lot, technical arrangements in assessing students' attitudes and skills, establish communication and cooperation with students' parents, collaborate and share with fellow teachers and education staff who are good at IT , using IT for learning and fostering inner passion. While the efforts made by the head of the Islamic schools are; a fast and clear division of tasks, holding a Technical Guidance/ Workshop within the Islamic School itself and involving teachers in training organized by the Ministry of Religion and the Education Office.
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