Kontribusi Guru Bimbingan Konseling Dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa di SMP Swasta Tunas Mandiri


  • Mariana STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat
  • Usmaidar STAI Jam’iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Zaki STAI Jam’iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat, Indonesia


Countribution, Counseling Guidance, Learning Motivation


The Contribution Of Counseling Guidance Teachers In Increasing Learning Motivation In Tunas Mandiri Private Junior High School.The formulation of tehe problem in this study are: How is countribution of the counseling guidance teacher in learning and teaching activities at Tunas Mandiri private junior high school?How is the level of stundent motivation at tunas mandiri private junior hight school?. The purpose of the study was to determine the   countribution of the guidance and counseling teacher in teaching and learning activities at Tunas Mandiri Private junior High school. To determine the level of student motivation in SMP Privat Tunas Mandiri. This study aims to determine the contribution of counseling guidance teachers in increasing students learning motivation in Tunas Mandiri private junior high school. The author uses qualitative research techniques,namely by collecting data trough observation and interviews. The counclusions of this study are: Counseling guidance teachers have a countribution in learning and teaching activities at Tunas Mandiri High School by contributing as mentors for stundens in achieving educational goals that are directed to be good in the whole educational process. Counseling guidance teachers work together with other subject teachers so that there is cooperation between both parties, counseling guidance teachers provide classical service guidance to support the effectiveness of teaching and learning activities. Student learning motivation which dynamically decreased and increased with the influence of various inhibiting factors. So that the implementation of the duties and contributions of the counseling guidance teacher is responsible for increasing student learning motivation gradually with various methods and guidance techniques. The contribution  of the guidance an counseling teacher in carrying out their role the increase student learning motivation at the Tunas Mandiri Private High School has been carried out well and maximally, this is evidenced through the programs and realization of the guidance and counseling program implemented by the teacher, namely taking action to monitor the absence of each class to find out the routine the presence of students in learning activities, performing classical guidance services, evaluating the results be able to measure and determine the direction of future policies in order to contribute optimally.


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