Manajemen Pelatihan Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Membentuk Profesionalisme Guru di Sekolah Luar Biasa Negeri Pandaan Pasuruan


  • Sri Bulandari Universitas Pesantren KH.Abdul Chalim
  • Juli Amalia Nasucha


Training Management, Teacher Professionalisme


This research has a goal, namely to describe and analyze the management of human resource training in shaping teacher professionalism at the Pandaan Pasuruan state special school.

The research used in this study is qualitative research with a case study type. This research was carried out at the Pandaan Pasuruan special school. With data collection methods, namely: observation, interviews and documentation. Data sources include interviews with school principals and several teaching staff.

The results of this research, training management in forming teacher professionalism at state special school Pandaan Pasuruan: (1) teacher education qualification improvement program, there are 29 strata-1 teachers. (2) in the teacher equalization and certification program there are 12 teachers with government employess status, 1 has the status of a civil servant employee, 7 government employess with employment agreements, 10 non-pernanent teacher, and 4 temporary employees. (3) a competency-based integrity training program that teachers at state special school Pandaan Pasuruan take part in training programs at employment center and job training. (4) The education supervision program is carried out by the school principal with supervised class visits from the school supervisor carried out once in 1 semester. (5) Subject Teacher Deliberation empowerment program, Subject Teacher Deliberation is implemented in the form of a discussion forum. And professionalism in teacher pedagogy: (1) mastery of student characteristics from physical, moral, social, cultural, emotional and intellectual aspects (fulfilled). (2) mastery of learning theory and educational learning principles (fulfilled). (3) able to develop a curriculum related to the field of development (fulfilled). (4) facilitating the development of students' potential to actualize their (fullest) potential. (5) utilizing information and communication technology for the benefit of organizing educational development activities (fulfilled). (6) complete educational development activities (fulfilled). (7) communicate effectively, empathetically and politely with students (fulfilled). (8) carry out assessments and evaluations of learning processes and outcomes, utilize assessment and evaluation results for learning purposes (fulfilled) (9) carry out reflective actions to improve the quality of learning (fulfilled).


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