Gaya Kepemimpinan Demokratis Kepala Madrasah dalam Mengelola Kinerja Guru di MAS Babussalam Besilam


  • Rabithah Wulandari STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat
  • Muhammad Saleh
  • Ahmad Mukhlasin


Democratic Leadership Style, Madrasah Principals,, Teacher Performance


Basically, schools need educational leaders who are able to take responsibility for how they work and interact and can achieve the goals they want to achieve. The madrasa head as a leader is closely related to the quality of teacher performance. In teaching and learning activities, apart from being a planner, the teacher is also an implementer and assessor of the results of teaching and learning activities. Apart from that, teachers also provide motivation to students and guide students who experience difficulties. Such a democratic leadership style is very important to apply in an educational institution. Because democratic leadership is very good leadership where the leader respects the abilities of educational staff. This research uses qualitative methods, where researchers collect data in several ways, namely conducting interviews, observation and documentation. The result is that the madrasa head has implemented a democratic leadership style where all the characteristics of a democratic leadership style have been implemented and carried out well. Then in teacher performance, namely conducting evaluations. At MAS Babussalam Besilam, the madrasa head's policy in making decisions is influenced by various factors, namely the head of the foundation, input from student parents and considerations from teachers and other staff so that the madrasa head in his leadership is good at making decisions.


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