Implementasi Pelatihan Kinerja Guru dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan di SD Negeri 050751 Pangkalan Brandan


  • Nova Silvia Karolina Br. Sembiring STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat
  • Syarifah


Implementation of Education, , Quality of Education, The Impact of Performance Training, Pedagogical skills


Education is a crucial aspect in the development of society and the formation of future generations. The quality of education is greatly influenced by the competence, skills and dedication of educators, especially teachers. Improving the quality of education is an ongoing challenge, and one approach that is often adopted is through teacher performance training. This research aims to investigate the implementation of teacher performance training and its impact on improving the quality of education. The research method used is a qualitative approach involving in-depth interviews with teachers who have participated in performance training programs, observations in the learning process, and analysis of documents related to the training program. Through this approach, researchers can gain a deep understanding of how teacher performance training is implemented and how it influences teaching practices and the overall quality of education. The research results show that the implementation of teacher performance training has a significant role in improving the quality of education. Such training not only provides teachers with additional knowledge or technical skills, but also influences their attitudes, motivation and pedagogical approaches to the learning process. Teachers who took part in this training showed an increase in their ability to design more innovative learning strategies, adapt their approach to students' learning styles, and adopt relevant new technologies and methods. In the context of this research, teachers who have participated in performance training programs provide testimony about increased motivation and self-confidence in facing changes in the world of education. However, this research also highlights several challenges in implementing teacher performance training. This will contribute to producing a generation that is better prepared to face the demands of the times and contribute positively to the development of society as a whole.


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