Manajemen Tata Usaha dalam Meningkatkan Pelayanan Administrasi di SMP Negeri 03 Satu Atap Pangkalan Susu


  • Muhammad Fauzi STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat
  • Fatimah Ahmad


Administrative Management,, Administrative Services


School administration has an important role for the smooth running of school administration, school administration needs to be considered because it has a strategic role and function. Therefore, the existence of administrative management can improve administrative services to run optimally. The existence of SMP Negeri 03 Satu Atap Pangkalan Susu is one of the representations of educational institutions that already have good and structured administrative management so it is worth researching. The objectives to be achieved in this study: (1) To determine the planning of business administration in improving school administration services at SMP Negeri 03 Satu Atap Pangkalan Susu, (2) To determine and analyse the implementation of business administration in improving school administration services at SMP Negeri 03 Satu Atap Pangkalan Susu, (3) To determine and analyse the evaluation of business administration in improving school administration services at SMP Negeri 03 Satu Atap Pangkalan Susu. In this study, researchers used qualitative research methods with the type of field study research, the results of this study are (1) Business administration planning in improving the implementation of school administration at SMP Negeri 03 Satu Atap Pangkalan Susu which includes; a). Recruiting administrative staff, b). Formulating the division of duties and obligations, c). The involvement of various school members, d). Formulating strategies that will be implemented in the implementation process later, e). Pay attention to the needs needed in the implementation process. (2) Implementation of business administration in improving school administration services; a). Implemented in accordance with the form of administrative services, b). There is a leader's role and strategy in terms of mobilising its members, c). Fulfilling and implementing what is needed in improving school administration services, d). Strategies used to improve school administration services, e). Identifying supporting factors in improving school administration services. (3) Evaluation of business administration in improving school administration services at SMP Negeri 03 Satu Atap Pangkalan Susu; a). The evaluation process is carried out by reviewing all work programmes and seeing obstacles during the implementation process, b). There are solutions in overcoming obstacles in the implementation of school administration services, c). The results of the evaluation process obtained that the forms of services provided have been carried out well, there is a form of follow-up, namely identifying opportunities and minimising weaknesses and deficiencies


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