Upaya Meningkatkan Keterampilan Bercerita Dengan Mengunakan Strategi On Board Picture Stories Pada Mata Pelajaran Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam di Kelas XI MAS Ar- Rahman Bubun


  • Fitri Yana STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat
  • Ahmad Zaki STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat


Storytelling Skills, Strategy On Board Picture Stories


The application of learning strategies on board picture stories (OBPS), according to Bektiarso, is a learning strategy that requires students to be active in interpreting a large number of images to be arranged in a logical sequence and can form a complete series of stories. 7 If translated freely, On Board Picture Stories can be interpreted as picture stories on boards. This type of research is classroom action research (CAR), the method of collecting data is by means of observation, interviews, documentation, and tests. The research subjects totaled 32 students. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the On Board Picture Stories strategy can be implemented properly through two cycles. This can be seen through the activities carried out by teachers and students in cycle I and cycle II which have increased. The results of teacher observations in cycle I were 71.42 then became 85.71 (good) in cycle II. Likewise in the observation of student activity which originally in cycle I reached a score of 63.33 then increased to 86 in cycle II. There is a difference in the storytelling skills of students in class XI MAS Ar- Rahman Bubun between before and after conducting classroom action research using the On Board Picture Stories strategy to improve students' storytelling skills. the learning completeness of class XI MAS Ar-Rahman Bubun in the pre-cycle was 44% while in the first cycle it reached 72% and in the second cycle it was 88%.


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