Peran Pendidikan Karakter Melalui Sistem Boarding School Santri MAS Pesantren Hujjaturrahmah Kecamatan Tanjung Pura
Character Education, Boarding SchoolAbstract
The problem in this research is the role of character education through the boarding school system at MAS Pesantren Hujjaturrahmah in bringing about changes in the morals of students. This research aims to find out the role of character education through the boarding school system as well as the inhibiting and supporting factors for the students of MAS Pesantren Hujjaturrahmah. The subjects of this research were all students. This type of research uses qualitative research. This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative. The data sources for this research are primary data, namely observation and interviews, and secondary data, namely documentation. As well as data analysis techniques using data reduction techniques, data presentation and conclusions. From the data analysis carried out by researchers, it was found that the role of the boarding school system in forming student character at was implemented quite optimally. This was proven by: embedding students' educational values, getting used to students' character values, applying the values students' character education values, and evaluating students' value activities. Supporting factors are the availability of human resources which include MAS Pesantren Hujjaturrahmah, teachers and administrators or dormitory supervisors who have been selected very well to be able to educate boarding students well with sufficient and ideal human resources which will help shape the character of the students, such as using cellphones at specified times, computers and WIFI for students to access the internet during boarding.
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