Memajukan Pemerataan Akses Pendidikan Agama Islam di Pesantren Hidayatul Islam Dusun Alur Rejo Securai Selatan Kecamatan Babalan


  • Fitria Nurjakiah STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat
  • Muamar Al Qadri STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Tanjung Pura Langkat


Education Equity, Islamic Religious Education.


This study aims to analyse: (1) the condition of Islamic education in Hidayatul Islam Islamic Boarding School in Alur Rejo Hamlet of Securai Selatan Babalan Subdistrict, (2) the role of Hidayatul Islam Islamic Boarding School in Alur Rejo Hamlet of Securai Selatan Babalan Subdistrict in promoting equal access to Islamic education in the region, (3) factors that become obstacles in equal access to Islamic education in Hidayatul Islam Islamic Boarding School in Alur Rejo Hamlet of Securai Selatan Babalan Subdistrict. This type of research is qualitative research, with field research (Field Research). The data sources of this research are the head of the pesantren, the deputy of the curriculum and the PAI teacher.  The data collection techniques used are observation, interview and documentation. The results of this study include: (1) The condition of Islamic religious education at Hidayatul Islam Islamic Boarding School in Alur Rejo Hamlet, South Securai, Babalan District plays a strategic role in shaping the character and spiritual understanding of santri. The comprehensively designed Islamic Religious Education curriculum, with an emphasis on teaching the Qur'an and hadith, as well as teaching methods that align with the times, creates a strong educational foundation, (2) Hidayatul Islam Islamic Boarding School not only functions as a place of religious learning, but also has a strategic role in advancing equitable access to Islamic religious education in the region. By becoming an equitable centre of religious learning, the pesantren provides access to religious education widely, regardless of economic or geographical background. Strategic steps, such as facilitating access without the need to travel far, make this pesantren an agent of equal access to Islamic religious education, (3) Financial limitations, lack of government support, lack of qualified teaching staff, and socioeconomic differences are some of the obstacle factors in efforts to equalise access to Islamic religious education at Hidayatul Islam Pesantren.


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