Aplikasi Yel-Yel Motivasi Sebagai Strategi Reinforcement dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam Siswa Kelas X di MAS Ar-Rahman Bubun


  • Ajeng Najihah STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat
  • Usmaidar STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat


Motivational Chants, Reinforcement Strategies, Religious Education


During the learning process there are quite a few and there are definitely students who chat with their classmates, don't pay attention to the teacher when explaining and don't really work on the assignments given. A slight difficulty faced during the learning process is when students do not focus on learning. In the application of learning motivational chants as a form of reinforcement strategy, it has been applied in the learning process but rarely, more often directly starting learning with commonly used methods such as lectures, questions and answers, groups and assignments. Based on the problem above, the author formulated a problem formulation, namely how to apply the application of motivational chants as a reinforcement strategy in increasing student learning motivation in the field of study of Islamic Religious Education class VII MAS Private Ar-Rahman Bubun?. The researcher carried out observations and interviews as well as documentation at the research location and conducted interviews with resource persons, then the author carried out data analysis techniques by reducing data through triangulation. The data analysis technique used is classroom action research with a total of two cycles. After reflecting on the action, the researcher carried out an evaluation to find out how high the students' learning motivation was through motivational learning chants. The conclusion in this research is: The application of motivational chants as a learning and teaching reinforcement strategy in the field of study of Islamic Religious Education in class VII of the Ar-Rahman Bubun Private MAS has experienced a significant increase, namely in the first cycle the class average score was 79. 18% and in cycle II it increased to 83.04%. For classical completeness in cycle I, classical completeness was 77.78% in cycle II, increasing to 88.89%. Thus, the implementation of the Reinforcement strategy motivational chant application was proven based on the test results in cycles I and II to have been able to increase student learning motivation in the field of study of Islamic Religious Education in class VII of the Ar-Rahman Bubun Private MAS.


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