Strategi Manajemen Humas Pendidikan dalam Peningkatan Penerimaan Peserta Didik di Madrasah Aliyah Pondok Pesantren Modern Taajussalam Langkat


  • Rio Febryan STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat
  • Diani Syahfitri


Public Relations Management, Student Acceptance


The main problem that influences the implementation of accepting new students using the zoning system is the unequal distribution of schools in each sub-district and sub-district, while in many areas the zoning division was initially based on the sub-district administrative area. The lack of socialization of the system for accepting new students to prospective students and their parents, giving rise to confusion. This type of research uses a qualitative approach. The subjects of this research were Madrasah heads and Islamic religious teachers. Method of collecting data by means of observation, interviews and documentation. The analysis technique goes through the stages of the data collection process, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion presentation. The results of the research show that public relations planning in improving the quality of new student admissions can be demonstrated by the presence of public relations planning in increasing the acceptance of new students at Madrasah Aliyah Pondok Pesantren Modern Taajussalam Langkat can be demonstrated by: (a) socializing from the MTS/SMP level and distributing brochures ( b) planning student level competitions, and (c) creating a concept for planning a Ramdhan safari program or da'wah safari. Public Relations Implementation Also carries out programs in the form of Al-Quran recitation class coaching activities for MTQ competitions and Ramadhan safari programs and da'wah safari programs precisely on the 10th night of Ramadhan from mosque to mosque in villages around Besilam Village and throughout Tanjung Pura sub-district. The aim of the Ramadhan Safari Program and missionary safari program is as a form of spreading the word of Islam. This Safari is also a form of promotion for the Taajussalaam Langkat Modern Islamic Boarding School Madrasah Aliyah, especially ahead of the Acceptance of New Students. The social media used is online media, namely in the form of social media such as Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and Islamic boarding school websites.


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