Pengaruh Pengalaman Diklat Teknis Fungsional pada Profesionalitas Guru di SMAN 1 Berandan Barat


  • Riandi Antika STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat
  • Muhammad Rizki Syahputra STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat


Training experience, Functionality, Professionalism


In general, the results of the training have quite an impact on teachers and the learning process carried out, which of course has a positive effect on students. Madrasah teachers who have attended training have on average applied the learning outcomes obtained when participating in training and have experienced and implemented the changes resulting from following training well. Teachers who take functional training as educators certainly get a lot of information and insight so that it can be applied in learning process activities. Functional teacher training really supports the realization of professional teachers because they gain insight that is always updated through the training they receive. Training is carried out to provide changes in knowledge and skills to teachers. Training is a series of educational activities that prioritize changing knowledge, skills and improving an employee's attitude in carrying out their duties. Functional teacher training really supports the realization of professional teachers because they gain insight that is always updated through the training they receive. Training is carried out to provide changes in knowledge and skills to teachers. Training is a series of educational activities that prioritize changing knowledge, skills and improving an employee's attitude in carrying out their duties. Training is carried out to support your duties as an educator so that you become more skilled in managing education. Teachers are role models for students studying at school. For example, the value of discipline (the presence of the teacher earlier than the students), cleanliness, neatness, affection, politeness, attention, honesty, and hard work and self-confidence. Teachers are able to create good school conditions, creating conditions that support the implementation of character education, for example cleanliness of body and clothing, clean toilets, trash cans, green yards with trees, posters of wise words at school and in the classroom. The aim of implementing training is to improve knowledge, expertise, skills and attitudes to be able to carry out job duties professionally based on the teacher's personality and ethics in accordance with the needs of the agency.


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