Pengaruh Motivasi dan Disiplin pada Kinerja Karyawan Badan Pendapatan Daerah Kab. Langkat


  • Amanda Apriliani STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat
  • Muhizar Muchtar
  • Syarifah Hidayani


Influence of Work Motivation, Influence of Work Discipline and Strategy


The focus of the problem in this research is the influence of motivation and discipline on the performance of employees of the Langkat Regency Regional Revenue Agency. The focus of the problem in this research aims to form a problem formulation, namely as follows: 1). What is the influence of motivation and discipline on the performance of Langkat Regency Regional Revenue Agency employees? 2). What strategies will be implemented to build employee morale at the Langkat Regency Regional Revenue Agency? This research is research with a qualitative model, the results of this research: 1). That work discipline at the Langkat Regency Regional Revenue Agency influences employee performance. The positive direction shows that every time there is an increase in work discipline carried out by the Langkat Regency Regional Revenue Agency, the performance of employees at the Langkat Regency Regional Revenue Agency will increase. Regarding work discipline, every time there is an increase in work discipline carried out by the Langkat Regency Regional Revenue Agency, the performance of employees at the Langkat Regency Regional Revenue Agency will increase. 2). One method or strategy used is to provide rewards when the employee has given his best and sanctions when the employee is negligent in his work. The reward is given by staff/employee representatives from the Data Collection (Service) sector.


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