Konsep Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Kitab Ihya’ ‘Ulumuddin (Studi Tokoh Imam Al-Ghazali)
Education concept. Al-Ghazali, Ihya’ ‘Ulumuddin.Abstract
This research is a character study research which aims to find out wheter the concept of Islamic religious education in the book Ihya’ ‘Ulumuddin (Studying the character Imam Al-Ghazali) is the same as the concept of education in general. This research uses the library research method or literature study with a qualitative approach. The data collected uses the documentation method, namely by collecting data from various sources such as books, magazines, journals and articles related to research. The object of this research is literature related to the concept of Islamic religious education according to Imam Al-Ghazali in his book Ihya’ ‘Ulumuddin. From the research conducted by the researcher, it can be concluded that the concept of Islamic religious education in Al-Ghazali’s thingking is where education seeks to from a complete and in the afterlife. According to Al-Ghazali, approaching oneself to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala is the goal of education. People can get closer to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala only if they have gained knowledge. Science itself cannot be obtained by humans except through teaching.
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