Penerapan Model Kooperatif Tipe Teams Games Tournament (TGT) Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Aqidah Akhlak Siswa Kelas VIII MTs Tarbiyah Waladiyah Pulau Banyak


  • Luthfia Maulida STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Langkat
  • Fatimah Ahmad STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Tanjung Pura Langkat
  • Khairuddin YM STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Tanjung Pura Langkat


Teams Games Tournament, Improving, Learning Results


This research was motivated by the low learning outcomes of students in the subject of moral aqidah for class VIII MTs Tarbiyah Waladiyah Pulau Banyak. In the learning process the teacher uses the lecture method and the teacher still considers students as passive objects and the teacher as the center of everything (Teacher Center). Teachers only focus on explaining to students until students feel bored and tend not to listen. The result is that students' lack of interest in participating in learning is the cause of the problem of low student learning outcomes in moral aqidah subjects. The team games tournament type cooperative learning model is a variable used to improve the learning outcomes of class VIII students at MTs Tarbiyah Waladiyah Pulau Banyak. This research aims to find out what students' learning outcomes are in the subject of moral aqidah before and after using the cooperative learning model, teams games tournament type, for class VIII MTs Tarbiyah Waladiyah Pulau Banyak. This research uses the classroom action research (PTK) method. The subjects of this research were 32 students in class VIII B of MTs Tarbiyah Waladiyah Pulau Banyak. This classroom action research was carried out in two cycles, where each cycle consisted of four stages, namely planning, acting, observing and reflecting. Research in Cycle I and Cycle II in implementing the teams games tournament type cooperative learning model in the subject of moral aqidah has proven to have improved student learning outcomes. This can be seen from the results of the percentage of completeness of student learning outcomes in the pre-cycle, which was 43,75% and after using the teams games tournament type cooperative learning model in the first cycle, it was 71.87% and increased in the second cycle, namely 84.37%. So it can be concluded that the application of the teams games tournament type cooperative learning model can improve student learning outcomes in the Aqidah and Morals subject for class VIII Mts Tarbiyah Waladiyah Pulau Banyak.


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