Upaya meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Melalui Model Pembelajaran Call On The Next Speaker pada Materi Bersuci dari Najis dan Hadas Mata Pelajaran Fikih Siswa Kelas VII MTs Swasta Al Mu’min Dogang


  • Mardiana Lubis STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah
  • Diani Syahfitri STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah
  • Satria Wiguna STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah


Student Learning Outcomes, Call On The Next Speaker, Purification from Uncleanness and Hadas


The application of the learning model is still not optimal because learning is carried out only using the lecture method and giving assignments and questions and answers. This results in teachers not maximizing their efforts to improve student learning outcomes. The research problem in class VII of the low level of student learning outcomes in the subject of cleansing from impurity and hadas in Fiqh subjects which can be seen from the average score of students who are below the KKM, namely 21 students still got a no score. complete. The method used by researchers is Classroom Action Research which uses a cyclical reflection system consisting of two cycles to determine improvements in student learning outcomes. The data collection methods used are observation, tests and documentation. The research subjects were 28 students. The results of this research are that the application of the Call On The Next Speaker learning model in improving student learning outcomes in the field of Jurisprudence for Class VII students at Al Mu'min Dogang Private MTs has been implemented well and there has been an increase since the beginning of the pre-cycle, namely the number of students who achieved completeness. The average score was 60.3 for students who got a complete score in the field of Fiqh study, in the first cycle it increased to 70.3. The average score for students who completed the Fiqh learning activities. In Cycle II the students' level of completeness in learning Jurisprudence reached an average score of 83,2.


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